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P. 194

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

                         T h e  P a r a b l e  o f  t h e  F o r k  i n  t h e  R o a d

            I was at a branch in the road, wondering which route I should travel. One
            road was wide, but complete darkness, the other road was narrow, but it

            shone a tiny golden light in the distance, John 8:12.
               I chose the dark and wide road because it appeared easier. Later, running
            down the wide road, I realized I was not getting anywhere because there

            was no progress. I might have chosen the wrong road, I realized. Therefore,
            I detoured and went back to the beginning, the fork in the road choice.
            I started another journey from the beginning. I was traveling down the
            narrow road with a tiny light in the distance. I was uncertain if I was doing
            the right thing, I decided to give up. “No one, having put his hand to the

            plod and looking backwards, is fit for the kingdom of God,” said the Holy
            Spirit, Luke 9:62. ‘Not fit for the kingdom, but the kingdom could well
            be heaven, I pondered’; Therefore, I continued onwards towards the light,

            Revelation 22:16.
               I was moving forward; nonetheless, the terrain in which I was traveling
            was getting harder, there were rough roads; hills to climb; and steep valleys
            to descend. Therefore, I decided to give up. Once more, the Holy Spirit
            encouraged me by whispering, “You can do all things through Christ that

            strengthens, Philemon 4:13. Therefore, I continue to press forward. The
            more I walked forwards the light got more brilliant. I was coming nearer
            to the finish. My adrenaline kicked in, the light motivated me, and I was

            making great progress. When I eventually arrived at my goal, I recognized
            that the light that shone was the Lord. The light was approximately (200)
            foot doorway, an entrance to heaven. I stood face-to-face with God/Christ
            Jesus, at the closing of the road my final journey. Nevertheless, because I
            came empty-handed without anything, my journey was incomplete. The

            Lord explained to me that I did not bring valuable items. This situation is
            like the parable of the ‘wise and foolish virgins,’ Matthew 25.
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