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The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
I had bypassed valuables that I could have brought to Him. Such as
foliage, plants, and flowers. Oils come from plants; flowers smell beautiful,
the smell brings joy and gladness. The foliage used as decoration and more.
Plants as herbs used as medicine. There is a balm in Gilead, Jeremiah
8:22, 46:11 and 51:8. Once more, I recognized the journey completed, but
inaccurately. I wanted to give up, but the reward was too great, heaven;
therefore, I started over for the third time. Once again, I was walking
towards the light. I already knew the brightness was the entranceway to
heaven, this time. The journey did not get easier. Once again, I considered
giving up. However, the Holy Spirit whispered, “… but with God all are
possible, Matthew 19:26. Yes, with God, I can do this journey, I
remembered. The scripture assured me that I could make it to the finish line,
accurately. Knowing at the end of the tedious journey, I would reach a
heavenly resting place, Hebrews 4. Knowing this made walking the road
easier, Hebrews 4. Nothing in life is easy; therefore, never give up on
anything that is going to propel you forward to success, especially nearer to
God. This was a parabolic look at my Christian struggles. The problems
and challenges I face while writing, herein. Everybody’s personal journey
may be slightly different because there still should be struggles. A journey
could be training, studying, or writing. One may study for an athletic
competing or a study for a college degree or writing fiction or nonfiction
books and more options.
The rewards are great. Most importantly, we are never alone in our
journey, the Lord’s Holy Spirit dwells inside humankind, this way He can
strengthen and encourage us from within, as we go on our spiritual journey,
John 14: 16-26. The Lord is with us, He, Himself, is the Word, John.1:1.
I witness, He is counselling me now as I write. He speaks using
the Holy Bible scriptures and verses and other infinite ways. Memorized
the scriptures, the words will save, heal, and bring you joy; they gave
me a peaceful mind, just to name a few.