Page 109 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 109

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

                                      S u m m a r y

         “Church is a hospital,” a pastor once said. I understand that sinners attend
         church  to  heal  and  be  mentally  well. To  be  delivered  from  serving  Satan

         and demons, a Spiritual Warfare. The battle for the soul of the individual.
         When sinners eventually heal, they will serve God, only.
            The positive side of this encounter, I was on the right track, I felt. One
         with Christ Jesus. This could not have been a coincidence. In that, the Holy
         Spirit showed me likeness between Christ Jesus and myself. Both our hands

         afflicted, His hands nailed to the cross and my hands tormented. In this, I
         sympathize  with  Him,  Hebrews  4:15.  I  attend  church  alone  as  a  babe  in
         Christ, just like Christ Jesus came to this world alone as a babe, Matthew
         1:23. Despite torment, I continued as a member for the duration of a year
         and then I left. I did not just run, immediately, I endured affliction. The
         same way Christ Jesus could have gotten down from the cross and left, but

         He also endured the affliction and torment, Matthew 26:52-54.
            A  person  should  not  leave  the  church  provoked  but  inspired  and
         filled with joy. At times, I  would leave the  church angry about the  pain  I
         endured.  I  would  angrily  want  revenge.  Yet,  I  was  faithfully  trying  to  be
         more like Christ Jesus by standing still, 2 Timothy 4:5. I was sad because I

         was giving up a church home. Sorry, I had to leave that church. Rejected and
         tormented,  but  I  endured  the  affliction.  Yet,  the  Holy  Spirit  cheered me
         up. He reminded me that Christ Jesus was also rejected.
                                                                 Isaiah 53:3-4,

                                             He is despised and rejected by men…

                            M e m b e r s h i p  C a n c e l l a t i o n

         After  I  left  the  church,  I  called  the  office,  to  tell  them  I  am  no  longer
         interested  in  being  a  member;  however,  nobody  answered  the  phone  or

         called me back.
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