Page 4 - March 2017 Rev E_Neat
P. 4

ISSUE NUMBER  165                                                                                                                                                           MARCH 2017
                                                       THE TOWN CRIER

                                       Townville Elementary March News

          SCHP Enjoys Lunch at TES:  Students and staff enjoyed having lunch with some of South
          Carolina’s finest State Troopers in February.  These gentlemen visited during the entire lunch pe-
          riod and gave all of our students some of their valuable time.  TES is so grateful and appreciative
          of their willingness to serve our state.

          Thank You Michelin
          TES is so fortunate to have a partnership with Michelin!  Our students and staff benefit from this
          partnership in many ways.  A group of students were invited to present to an elite group of Mich-
          elin employees in February.

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