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P. 17

History & Culture
The purpose of this course is to present students with a panoramic overview of Mexican culture that will help them achieve an overall understanding of both the country as a whole and the breadth of its diversity. Through a combination of texts and lectures pertaining to the historical events that have made Mexico what it is today, and a series of cultural excursions to historical sites, festivals, museums and even concerts and performances, this course provides the student a blend of classroom and experiential learning.
The course is organized chronologically: each of Mexico’s historical periods will be dealt with in order, discussing at each stage the features fundamental components of the culture at that time – the economy, government, religion, popular culture, art, science and technology. However, careful attention is paid to how to connect these stages to the local history and culture through actual visits to sites that are relevant to Mexico’s history. This provides context and a space for deeply exploration of how these periods have impacted current day society.
      When I first got here, as we drove into the city,
I was just amazed by all the color. Some of the architecture is so beautiful! It’s definitely very different from what we see in the States. As a city its very care-free and slow-paced; I really
like living here so far. I didn’t know what to expect really, so I was very happy when I saw our apartment. It is SO nice and we even have an awesome view of the city from the balcony!”
Santos Flores Mathematical Tools for Modeling 2019

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