Page 81 - LegadoTravel MAGAZINE
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required  to  prepare
                                   wine  according  to
                                   the company’s quality
                                   policy.   technology
                                   is  present  from  the
                                   first  to  the  last  step.
                                   the trays used by the
                                   harvesters  are  made
                                   of plastic and their capacity is only 6 kilos, in order to protect the grapes
                                   and to facilitate the recollection work. while the work stages go further,
                                   the equipment is more complex. tanks of inoxidizable iron, cooling and
                                   maceration machines, pneumatic pressing machines or rotation tubs, are
                                   only part of this modern infrastructure. since 1980, rodolfo montenegro
                                   is the principal ethnologist, who besides his usual tasks, studies new vine
                                   stocks  together  with  a  group  of  engineers  and  ethnologists.  the  finca
                                   santa  rosa  and  the  finca  Beltrán  are  the  origin  for  this  research  that
                                   continued later with the experimental wine cellar. currently, studies are
                                   being made about the potentialities of 35 varieties of grapes, among which
                                   are:  agliánico,  alvarinho,  alicante,  ancellota,  arinarnoa,  Bourboulenc,
                                   caladoc,  carmenere,  corvina  veronese,  Ekigaina,  malvasia  nera,  negro
                                   amaro and Zifandell, among others.
                                   consequently, their dreams and brave efforts made caring for the vine
                                   yards in order to prepare high quality vines, has brought them to export
                                   to the most demanding international markets with great success, and
                                   they are now one of the largest exporters in argentina.
                                                               it may be for that reason they came
          upon their arrival to the Finca a good  to  the  attention  of  Juan  manuel
          breakfast will be waiting there for them,            serrat,  the  famous  singer-author
                                                               and  owner  of  the  spanish  wine
          and after the journey and the visit to               cellar  mas  perinet,  with  whom  an
                                                               agreement has been signed for the
          the vine cellar, a regional lunch will be  exclusive distribution in argentina of
                      served in the Visitor’s House.           the famous wines gotia and perinet,
                                                               both from the 2004 harvest.
                                   it is evident that the  Zuccardi family are committed seriously with quality
                                   and innovation and they are convinced that the more they know about wine,
                                   the strongest the link with wine will be for them. Jose alberto told me once,
                                   “in the Zuccardi family we consider wine to be a form of life.  and it is also
                                   our means of communication by excellence with those who drink wine”.
                                   for all that i dare to say that the sublime quality of the Zuccardi wines
                                   of the beautiful city of mendoza, goes beyond the borders of its small
                                   nation to honor the great nation of argentina, because of the exquisite
                                   quality of its wines, and as true inheritors of  dionisio, the god of wine.

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