Page 36 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 36

Baga Khaad

                          The historical moment I wish I could change is the age of Baga khaad in other words, the destruction age.
                              When Great Yuan lost their influence in China. The Yuan dynasty was defeated by the Great Ming.
                               Zhu Yuanzhang became the first king of Great Ming. So Great Yuan became Northern Yuan. The
                           king Toghon Temür (the last ruler of the Great Yuan) had passed away. After Toghon Temür khan’s death,
                          the situation in Mongolia became sharper. The struggle for power among the Mongolian rulers of the time
                            was outrageous. They betrayed each other even though they were brothers. In another word, the age
                           of Baga khaad is a time of intense struggle for power, betrayal, and greed. So that a lot of kings switched
                            during this time. In my opinion, that is the reason the Mongols fell under Daai Chin’s oppression. And, why
                                                                   have we lost inner Mongolia.

                          Mongolia lost inner Mongolia during the Treaty of (1915) This treaty had happened between China, Mongolia,
                                and Russia. This agreement was very detrimental to Mongolia. From China’s side they were not
                                        satisfied because they also wanted to take our Mongolia. I do not really know how
                            losing inner Mongolia has affected Mongolia now but for inner Mongolia losing us was harsh to them as
                                                             they can no longer use Mongolian script.

                          The age of baga khaad could be the cause of the Repression. The Repression is the time when Mongolians
                            killed Mongolians all by themselves. The soldiers were killing monks without any reason, at that time in
                               Mongolia monks were rich and Monks made up most Mongolian men. Over the17000 monks were
                                killed. So, that is the reason I chose the Age of the baga khaad. If it had not happened, we would
                              not have fallen under Daai Chin’s influence. If we did not fall under their influence, we would not have
                                           lost inner Mongolia and the great repression would never have happened.
                               In Mongolian history, Mongolians were not always peaceful as when Mongolians were under the
                          leadership of Genghis Khan. At its peak, the Mongol Empire extended from the Sea of Japan (East Sea) to
                          parts of Eastern Europe, to the north parts of the Arctic, to the east and south, to the Indian subcontinent;
                           to Southeast Asia, and the Iranian plateau; and to the west to the Levant and the Carpathian Mountains.
                         During the Daai Chin’s oppression, Mongolians were too poor and they treated Mongolians dreadfully. So, if I
                           could change, I will make Great Guan stronger, so that Ming would not exist, and that means China as we
                                                        know, would not exist either, which is interesting.

                         If I could change all these tough times, I must change baga khaad’s age so I would choose a perfect khaan for
                                Mongolia or I would warn Mongolians to stop fighting with each other if they will not, we will be
                                           suffering for tens of years. I think they would understand and stop fighting.

         By: HEATHER BRADY
         Published date: JUNE 9, 2018

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