Page 46 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 46

Gender Roles in the Workplace

                   Globally, men are held in higher esteem and considered to be more powerful and promising

                 when compared to women. These beliefs are based on how women were only meant to give
                 birth to children, keeping the environment that the family lives in clean, and being referred to

                 as being fragile and not appropriate for the labor force. It is accurate that men have more
                 physical potential, and they are suitable for jobs that require physical strength. This fact adds

                 to the worship of the power men hold that has been appraised for hundreds of years. As a

                 result, when men and women receive identical performance appraisal ratings, studies have
                 shown that male employees are more likely to be promoted.

                    Women are less probable to be taken credit for their work than men based on various

                 reasons. They include limited opportunities for career advancement due to childbirth and
                 childcare, gender-biased judgments of women, and sexual harassment in the workplace.

                    These actions have appeared in many cases in the "Man's world". As an example, Albert

                 Einstein's Serbian wife Mileva Maric invented most of the ideas that are in Einstein's name at
                 present. It is believed that Einstein took most of his wife's work without giving her any credit.

                       All these gospels add up to securing woman's rights,

                             spreading awareness, and encouraging younger

                     generations to treat men and women in an equal way

                                                   without any gender biases.

                 It is essential in this world that all genders get treated the same way in every life occurrence.

                                                                 9C Narangoo .M
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