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Freddy’s Fun Facts                        Meet Paula

     •  Paella is a traditional Spanish
        dish. It is rice made with various
        types of seafood and saffron, a spice    What is your family like? Do you
        that makes the rice yellow.              have brothers and sisters?

     •  Every year, each 6th grade class                        Nine-year-old Paula is the daughter of a pastor of an
        takes a week-long trip.                               OMS-related church in Spain. Here she tells a little

                                                              bit about herself and growing up in Madrid, Spain.
     •  Lunch is the largest meal of the
        day. It is served around 3:00 p.m.                              I am Spanish, but I was born in Colombia, South
                                                                      America, when my parents were there attending
     •  Dinner is usually a small meal. It is                         seminary. My dad is a pastor, and my mom takes
        eaten around 9:00 p.m.                                      care of my sister Marta, my brother Marcos, and me.

     •  Spanish is spoken all over                                    We live in a high-rise apartment, which is typical in
        Spain, but in certain areas,                      Spain. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I like to swim, and I
        four other languages are                         like to skate. My favorite food is macaroni, and my favorite
        spoken: Catalán, Vasco,                          dessert is melon.
        Valenciano, and Gallego.

                                                          After school, I play in the park and eat
     •  The Canary Islands, off the                      ice cream. My friends and I play make
        coast of Africa, and the
        Balearic Islands, in the                        believe a lot. Sometimes, we play
        Mediterranean Sea, are beautiful                school, and I am the teacher. Other
        Spanish vacation spots.                         times, we act like we are customers
                                                        shopping at a big department
                                                       store. I like to pretend that I’m
     •  When women marry in Spain, they
        do not  take their husband’s last              the cashier.
        name.  They keep their own last
        name (their maiden name).                My sister and I attend the OMS childrens camp during the

                                                 summer. Last year, six kids accepted Jesus into their hearts
     •  The city of Pamplona invites people      at camp. My favorite thing about church is the worship.
        every July for the running of the        I  love to sing praises to the Lord!

                                                                                    Spaniards like to go out and get
     •  Spain is the second most visited           Cook’s Corner:
        country in the world— More than 52                                          something to drink and eat tapas
        million tourists travel there each         (appetizers) before dinner, especially on weekends. Empañadillas are a
        year.                                      popular tapa. They can be filled with all types of ingredients, but the
                                                   most typical are tuna and tomato.

                 Take an armchair trip through
                 Spain! Discover in puzzle form
                 the enchanting cities, the
                 beauty of the country and
                 some of Spain’s historical
                 events in the 21 colorful,
                 wordless layouts of this book.
                 Anno’s Spain

                 by Mitsumasa Anno
                 ISBN 0-3992-4238-4

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2021 One Mission Society.
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