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                          FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31ST MARCH 201                                9

        A.Equity Share Capital                        ( `  in lakhs)
        Particulars                                     Amount
        Balance as at  1st  April 2017                 1,100.40
        Changes in equity share capital during the year       -
        Balance as at  31st  March 2018                1,100.40
        Changes in equity share capital during the year       -
        Balance as at  31st  March 2019                1,100.40

         B.Other Equity                                                                               ( `  in lakhs)
                         Particulars                          Reserves and Surplus
                                                   Capital  Debenture  Retained        FC         Other     Total
                                                   Reserve  Redemption  Earnings Translation Comprehensive
                                                              Reserve              Reserve       Income
         Balance as on 1st April,2017               53.81       66.80  4,315.64         -         (1.42)  4,434.83
         Total Comprehensive Income for
         the year ended  31st March, 2018*              -           -   1,475.68                 (20.62)  1,455.06
         Dividends for earlier years                    -           -   (165.06)                      -   (165.06)
         Dividend Distribution Tax                      -           -    (33.00)                      -    (33.00)
         Transfer to / (from) retained earnings                 33.40    (33.40)                      -
         Short Provision of Income Tax for earlier years  -         -     (0.86)                      -     (0.86)
         Excess Provision of Income Tax for earlier years  -        -     13.40                       -     13.40
         Balance as on 31st March,2018              53.81      100.20  5,572.40         -        (22.05)  5,704.36
         Balance as on 1st April,2018               53.81      100.20  5,572.40         -        (22.05)  5,704.36
         Loss  on Consolidation of WOS FZE Pre Allotment                 (24.26)                           (24.26)
         Total Comprehensive Income for
         the year ended  31st March, 2019*              -           -   1,643.17                 (13.71)  1,629.46
         Dividends                                      -           -   (165.06)                      -   (165.06)
         Dividend Distribution Tax                      -           -    (34.60)                      -    (34.60)
         Transfer to / (from) retained earnings         -       33.40    (33.40)                      -
         Short Provision of Income Tax for earlier years                 (14.40)                           (14.40)
         Movement in OCI (Net) during the year          -           -         -      (1.12)           -     (1.12)
         Balance as on 31st March,2019              53.81      133.60  6,943.85     (1.12)       (35.76)  7,094.38

        In terms of our report of even date attached      For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
        For B D G & Associates                            Hemant Kumar Ruia                      Yashvardhan Ruia
        Chartered Accountants                             Chairman & Managing Director           Executive Director
        Firm Registration No.:119739W
                                                          Din No.00029410                        Din No.00364888
        Rameshkumar L.Sharma
        Partner                                           Ajay Puranik
        Membership No- 047896                             President Legal & Company Secretary

        Date : 27th May,2019                              Pramod Sharma
        Place : Mumbai                                    Chief Financial Officer
                                                                              CONSOLIDATED CHANGE IN EQUITY
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151