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                                                                                                      ( `  in lakhs)
                              Particulars                            For the year ended      For the year ended
                                                                      31st March, 2019        31st March, 2018
        A Cash Flow from Operating Activities
           Net Profit before Tax and Extraordinary Items                       2,578.18             2,297.88
           Adjustements for:
           Depreciation and Amortisation Expenses                                268.83              255.00
           Loss on Sale of Fixed assets                                           21.73                3.59
           Profit on non current investments                                          -               (0.31)
           Interest Income                                                     (247.59)             (416.32)
           Finance Costs                                                         800.20              717.89
           Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes                     3,421.35            2,857.73
           Adjusted for:
           Non-Current/Current Financial and Other Assets *                   (4,284.38)             (35.34)
           Inventories                                                           162.33            (1,947.61)
           Non-Current/Current Financial and Other Liabilities/Provisions      2,466.31             2,012.11
                                                                              (1,655.73)              29.16
           Cash Generated from Operations                                      1,765.62            2,886.89
           Direct taxes (paid) /Refund (net of tax paid)                       (792.85)             (725.41)
           Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities         (A)                   972.77            2,161.48

        B  Cash Flow from Investing Activities
           Purchase of Fixed Assets                                            (845.56)             (792.11)
           Capital Work in Progress                                            (971.00)                   -
           Sale,Square up /(Purchase) of Investments                                  -               15.53
           Loss  on Consolidation of WOS FZE Pre Allotment                      (24.26)
           Interest Income                                                       247.59              416.32
           Sale of Fixed Assets                                                   15.59                9.64
           Net Cash Flow from/ (Used in) Investing Activities  (B)            (1,577.64)            (350.62)

        C  Cash Flow from Financing Activities
           Proceeds/(Repayment) from Long Term Borrowings (Net)                  925.98              199.00
           Proceeds/(Repayment) from Short Term Borrowings                     1,235.80             (707.62)
           Dividend and Distribution Tax Paid                                  (199.66)             (198.06)
           Interest Paid                                                       (800.20)             (717.27)
           Net cash flow from / (Used in) Financing activities  (C)            1,161.92           (1,423.94)
           Net increase/(decrease) in Cash and Cash equivalents
           (Total A+B+C)                                                         557.05              386.92
           Cash and Cash equivalents - Opening Balance                           483.92               97.00
                                    - Closing Balance (refer note no.9)        1,040.97              483.92

           * Includes Margin Money in the form of Term Deposits with the Bank for LC /BG and Unclaimed Dividend.
        In terms of our report of even date attached      For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
        For B D G & Associates                            Hemant Kumar Ruia                      Yashvardhan Ruia
        Chartered Accountants                             Chairman & Managing Director           Executive Director
        Firm Registration No.:119739W
                                                          Din No.00029410                        Din No.00364888
        Rameshkumar L.Sharma
        Partner                                           Ajay Puranik
        Membership No- 047896                             President Legal & Company Secretary

        Date : 27th May,2019                              Pramod Sharma
        Place : Mumbai                                    Chief Financial Officer
                                                                          CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT
   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153