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ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - 2019

        During the year,the total income of the Company rose by approximately 35.12% at `  45848.74 Lakhs as compared to
        ` 33930.64 in the previous year.The Company’s expenditure outgo also increased by 38.19 % approximately which
        stoodat 42117.42Lakhsintheyearunderreviewascomparedto 30477.71Lakhsinthepreviousyear.`  `

                                                                                                    ( `  in Lakhs)
         Income                                         Year ending 31.03.2019           Year ending 31.03.2018

         Income from sale of products (Gross)                          45054.58                       33096.83

         Sale of Services - Engineering                                  106.92                         108.03
         Export Incentives                                               344.79                         224.52

         Other Income                                                    342.45                         501.26

         Total Income                                                  45848.74                       33930.64

        Thegrossrevenuefromsalesincludesexportrevenueof `    19334.92 Lakhsanddomesticsalesof `26171.03  Lakhsi.e.


        Certain statements in this Report describing the Company’s objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or
        predictions may be“forward looking statements”within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations.
        Actual results could differ from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could make difference to the
        Company’s operations include global and Indian demand-supply conditions, finished goods prices, availability and
        prices of raw materials, changes in Government regulations,Tax regimes, economic developments within India and
        the Countries in which the Company conducts business and other ancillary factors.Your Company is not obliged to
        publicly amend, modify or revise any forward looking statements, on the basis of any subsequent development,

                                                                        MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
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