Page 7 - Profile_Yuva Polyprint and Packaging Industry
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 Laminated, Custom Printed and   Bo om Gusset Pouches                T sealed Pouches

 Flexible Packaging Films

 We offers high quality flexible packaging films, co-extruded,   A bo om gusset pouch is the most   It is one of the most economical
 laminated, custom printed films. Our state-of-the-art   commonly used stand-up pouch in   forms of packaging, extensively used
 manufacturing capabili es provide custom printed rollstock   the industry and is ideal for light   in the market. These pouches are
 films in mul ple material combina ons and high-quality   weight products. It is basically a   formed with the shape of a pillow
 rotogravure prin ng for the extremely demanding needs   sealed plas c pouch and has a round   and consist of a bo om, top and
 especially in Ver cal Form-Fill-Seal (VFFS) and Horizontal Form-  bo om; it has been designed in a way   centre seal at back side. The top-side
 Fill-Seal (HFFS) applica ons.  that it can stand up-right. The edge of   is usually le  open for filling the
                  the gusset is welded to the sides of                  contents. These pouches can always

 Our rollstock films and specialty flexible packaging films are   the walls for be er strength and   fill in the contents with “Higher Filling
 designed to meet exact flexible packaging requirements for   support.   Volume”.
 extending shelf life, flavour and aroma protec on, or any
                  Common Structure                                      Common Structure
 barrier proper es. We also provide other industrial packaging
                  PET / METPET / POLY                                   PET / METPET / POLY
 films and lamina ng pouch film for food and non-food   PET / FOIL / POLY  PET / FOIL / POLY
                  Applica on                                            Applica on
 For more informa on on our rollstock films and capabili es,
                  Food Product                                          Food Product
 contact a sales representa ve to discuss in detail your specific
                  Pet Food                                              Pet Food
 packaging needs.
                  Home and Garden Products                              Home and Garden Products
                  Health and Beauty Products                            Health and Beauty Products
                  Pharmaceu cals                                        Pharmaceu cals
                  Medical Devices                                       Medical Devices
                  Hospital Supplies                                     Hospital Supplies
                  Industrial and Other packaging op on                  Industrial and Other packaging op on
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