Page 9 - Profile_Yuva Polyprint and Packaging Industry
P. 9


 Shaped Pouches  Spout Pouches  Side Gusset Pouches                  Three Side sealed Pouches

 Shaped pouches are one of the latest   The reason behind the recogni on of   These pouches maximises the   Three-side sealed pouches are
 crea ve packaging solu ons, which   these pouches is its user friendly   storage capacity since they square   qualita ve and economical flat
 are u lized in the food and beverage   design which is apt for storing liquids,   out a er being filled. They have   pouches, which are made from one
 industry. These pouches have   pasty or loose bulk materials.   gussets on both sides and an inclusive   piece of film and sealed on the two
 enormous flexibility in terms of both   Besides, in comparison to normal PET   fin-seal runs from top to bo om with   sides and top or the top is le  open
 shape and size. Due to this   or glass bo les, these are easier for   horizontal sealing at both the top-  for filling the content. The
 assistance, it can match any brand,   transport and perfect for retail   side and the bo om-side. The top-  companies, who have to run cost
 purpose and overall appearance for   shelves. Spouted pouches are re-  side is usually le  open for filling the   effec vely, opt for these pouches as
 different packaging applica ons   closable and produced with a weld   contents.  they offer reasonable packaging
 industry.   spout and a cap.                                           solu ons.

 Common Structure  Common Structure  Common Structure                   Common Structure
 PET / FOIL / POLY  PET / FOIL / POLY  PET / FOIL / POLY                PET / FOIL / POLY

 Applica on  Applica on  Applica on                                     Applica on
 Beverages  Beverages  Tea and Coffee                                    Food Product
 Pasty and Liquid Foods  Pasty and Liquid Foods  Food Product           Pet Food
 Home and Garden Products  Home and Garden Products  Pet Food           Home and Garden Products
 Health and Beauty Products  Health and Beauty Products  Home and Garden Products  Health and Beauty Products
 Pharmaceu cals  Pharmaceu cals  Health and Beauty Products             Pharmaceu cals
 Industrial and Other packaging op on  Industrial and Other packaging op on  Medical Devices  Medical Devices
                  Hospital Supplies                                     Hospital Supplies
                  Industrial and Other packaging op on                  Industrial and Other packaging op on
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