Page 20 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
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Additional Compilation Programs with Joe Nuckols from

                                                 Nightingale Conant

                                        Everyone ends up somewhere - the question is where.
                                        The Goals and Vision Mastery Course provides you with
                                        skills to get what you want - but much more.
                                        This collection of select messages is taken from 64 best-
                                        selling courses from 57 proven experts. Our Nightingale
                                        Conant compilation programs are designed to make it
                                        easy for you to hear selections in a topic-driven format

                                        You have opportunities. You want to be in business for
                                        yourself? Or, make it to the top in a career? In either case,
                                        here’s some good news. You already have everything you
                                        need to succeed and exceed expectations. From
                                        revolution to evolution, this is the resource for ideas,
                                        strategy, and expertise.

                                        Lessons include ways to sell venture capitalists and angel
                                        investors. How to determine markets and opportunities
                                        Start-up and survival skills Nightingale-Conant experts
                                        make you smarter than your boss.

                                         Become the sustaining resource as a sales
                                         professional or entrepreneur in today's tough

                                         competitive market. The way people buy may change,
                                         the way people sell only gets better. Discover the
                                         proven principles from 45 best-selling courses from the
                                         extensive Nightingale Conant library.

                                          Do you have what it takes to face each new day with a kick-

                                          butt attitude? The conflict between those that succeed and
                                          those that just get by will no longer stand in your way. The
                                          great divide disappears when you change knowledge into
                                          your personal action plan. PUMP: Get Motivated and Stay
                                          Motivated promises an intellectual edge to take you over
                                          the top.

        Joe Nuckols is a best selling Nightingale Conant author, producer and narrator. The
        banner on his website, states, The Way the World Is. The Way the
        World Can Be. That is a mission statement to bring you answers that will pull you into a

        future of unlimited success.
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