Page 15 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
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Earl Nightingale continues in Lead the Field
to prove the quote, “We become what we
think about.” Earl discovered those six
words in Think and Grow Rich.
Just about the time Earl and Lloyd Conant
launched Nightingale Conant, Vic Conant
was around 14 and tells the story about
meeting Napoleon Hill with his dad in, This I
Jim Rohn in The Art of Exceptional Living spoke of the pull of the future, and
the fact that all good will be attacked.
Just because negativity may come at you, Denis Waitley teaches in The
Psychology of Winning the difference in ‘try’ and ‘will’.
If someone says, “No,” Jim Camp has
advice on how to react in The Power
of No
Wayne Dyer explained in, How To
Be a No Limit Person, why you are
your own boss.
Then, Paul Zane Pilzer tells why
some people become bosses of
others as an entrepreneur in, The
Entrepreneurial Challenge
W. Clement Stone and Napoleon
Hill explain why the real winners act
and execute activities far beyond the
call of duty by going the extra mile.