Page 11 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
P. 11
Human nature tugs at us to try and find our success somewhere else. Thousands of
years ago the pot of gold was far away at the end of a rainbow. Today, we are
mobile enough to shoot for the big time in New York or Los Angeles. However, it
would be a shame to find out that the success you dream of is right where you are.
There’s a famous story about just such an event. And, the telling of the story raised
enough money to build Temple University. Earl Nightingale in Lead the Field shares
the story.
That story was a major inspiration for Denis Waitley as he tells it in The
Psychology of Winning.
When it comes to money
as your resource, do you see
light at the end of the tunnel?
In Prosperity Consciousness,
Fredric Lehrman says stop
worrying about money.
Larry Winget Introduces Earl
Nightingale with the classic quote, “All
the money you will ever have is currently
in the hands of someone else.”
Then, Joe Vitale thinks you should
reward yourself with prosperous
purchasing in Secrets of Attracting