Page 12 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
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MaryEllen Tribby in Channels
of Profit has a new term for
‘Word of mouth advertising.’
She offers advice for a more
powerful use of your social
Every person in America has the
opportunity to become a millionaire.
Brian Tracy proves the point with the
statistic that one new millionaire
achieves that goal every 12 minutes in
his best seller Getting Rich in
Is there anything the wealthy has in common? One worn out saying is false and it
states, “It takes money to make money.”
Your biggest and best resource is your ideas, your knowledge, and your
willingness to do something with the information you learn. Wealthy winners are all
lifetime learners. They look for a soak up information.
Today, the sources for information are unlimited.
But, you have to do something with all that data.
In the program Get Out of Your Own Way Larry
Winget explains that far too many times self help
book become shelf help dust collectors.
Jim Rohn continued that lesson in The Art of
Exceptional Living as he explain that better
homes have better libraries.
Denis Waitley discusses what to do with one
book to take off the shelf in The Psychology of
When it comes to resources, you may have a bigger gold mine, or as the Acres of
Diamonds story goes. That resource may be the debt you have. John Cummuta
explains in Transforming Debt Into Wealth.
Denis Waitley wraps up this episode on resources with a warning to avoid the
greener pasture trap in The Psychology of Winning.