Page 11 - ARUBA BANK
P. 11
Monday 19 deceMber 2016
Venezuela leader says cash crackdown a victory over foes
FABIOLA SANCHEZ day more than 300 people the arrival of three airplanes
Associated Press had been detained, in- carrying newly printed,
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) cluding several members larger-denomination bills
— Venezuela’s president of opposition parties. from abroad.
said Sunday that the sud- He said the violence result- He didn’t give details
den decision to scrap the ed from “a macabre” plan about the plot. Disturbanc-
country’s most-used cur- promoted by U.S. Presi- es continued into Saturday
rency bill was an econom- dent Barack Obama to ex- evening in places such as
ic triumph over the coun- tract massive quantities of Ciudad Bolívar, where of-
try’s enemies even as the 100-bolivar notes from the ficials banned motorcycles
government sent troops country and stockpile them for 48 hours and restricted
and police to cities where abroad. overnight car and pedes-
riots and looting broke out He said it was meant to be trian traffic. Bolivar state
over the measure. “the final blow of Obama, Gov. Francisco Rangel Go-
In a national radio and a final blow to create cha- mez said 3,200 police were
television broadcast, Nico- os, violence, division.” sent into the streets to en-
las Maduro said his abrupt Most economists blame sure order and he said 262
action had flooded the Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, right, and his wife Cilia the country’s economic people had been arrested
country’s banks with cur- Flores greet supporters upon their arrival to a rally in Caracas, woes on price controls and in the state.
Venezuela, Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016.
rency deposited by Ven- Associated Press falling prices for the coun- Rangel Gomez, a re-
ezuelans racing to get rid try’s oil exports, as well as tired general, urged people
of the paper bills while also to massive lines at banks, food or gasoline became heavy government spend- to stay in their homes until
devastating Colombian- a dramatic spurt in elec- extremely difficult. ing and production-crip- the vandalism is quelled.
border currency traders tronic payment and wide- Maduro suddenly changed pling policies that gave Eight hundred police and
he blames for the bolivar’s spread fear by poorer peo- course late Saturday, an- Venezuelans lots of 100-bo- troops were sent to the
precipitous plunge in value ple with no bank accounts nouncing the 100-bolivar livar notes but not enough town of El Callao, where
against “the criminal dol- and all their savings in the notes could be used un- to buy with them. Mayor Coromoto Lugo said
lar.” doomed bills, whose value til Jan. 2 Before that an- Maduro said he’d had to a youth was killed, 25 busi-
Last week’s sudden an- had already plunged to a nouncement riots and lift extend the life of the old nesses were looted and 40
nouncement annulling few U.S. cents. Cash trans- looting broke out in several currency notes because people were injured in the
all 100-bolivar notes led actions such as buying cities and Maduro said Sun- saboteurs had prevented disturbances. q
Ex-soccer star, now mayor,
ends hunger strike in Mexico
MEXICO CITY (AP) — For- first political experience. was unconstitutional.
mer soccer star Cuauhte- Since then scandals have Blanco, a 42-year-old for-
moc Blanco said Sunday surfaced, including allega- mer member of Mexico’s
that he is ending a hunger tions he was paid to run on national soccer team, re-
strike to defend his may- the ticket of a tiny political tired from sports last year.
orship of the city of Cuer- party. The state congress He also played a stint with
navaca, after Mexico’s Su- said Blanco violated elec- the Chicago Fire in Major
preme Court issued a stay tion procedures, including League Soccer.
against efforts to impeach not proving his residency Cuernavaca is the capital
him. in Cuernavaca, which is of Morelos state, which has
Blanco posted photos of south of Mexico City. The been riven by protests and
crowds cheering him out- lawmakers also accused drug gang violence.
side the cathedral in Cuer- him of bypassing the city Former Mexican soccer star In this June 7, 2015 file photo, Mexican soccer star Cuauhtemoc
navaca. He had begun sit- council and accepting ir- Cuauhtemoc Blanco says Blanco casts his vote during mid-term elections in Cuernavaca,
ting outside the cathedral regular donations, like an he is ending a hunger strike Mexico.
early Saturday to protest offer to pave some city to defend his mayorship of Associated Press
the state congress’ deci- streets. the city of Cuernavaca, him outside the cathedral to refer the impeachment
sion to refer the impeach- The city government said after Mexico’s Supreme in Cuernavaca. process to a three-judge
ment process to a three- the Supreme Court issued Court issued a stay against He had begun sitting out- panel.
judge panel. the stay Saturday, after the efforts to impeach him. side the cathedral early Blanco was elected to the
Blanco was elected to the city government argued Blanco posted photos Sun- Saturday to protest the mayorship last year in his
mayorship last year in his the impeachment effort day of crowds cheering
state congress’ decision first political experience. q