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Ministers of Health of the Pacific and the

                Caribbean to join forces on climate change

                and health

               10 HORA PASA , 23 DI MEI 2019 12:52
               SECCION: SALUD

               Ministers of Health of the Pacific and the Caribbean to join forces on climate change and health,
               regulatory          frameworks,           health         security          and          NCDs
               Geneva, Switzerland, May 23, 2019 (PAHO/WHO) - Ministers of Health of the Pacific and the

               Caribbean met to discuss opportunities for cooperation and exchange regarding good practices
               in climate change and resilient health systems, regulatory frameworks, health security and non-
               communicable  diseases  (NCDs).  The  meeting  took  place  in  parallel  to  the  72  World  Health
               Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

               Small island states in the Caribbean and the Pacific face a number of common challenges. They
               are  especially  vulnerable  to  climate  change  and  extreme  weather  events  and  have  limited
               capacity and human resources to respond to certain health challenges

               "We do not need to reinvent the wheel. We can learn from each other and save resources and
               time," said the Minister of Health of Trinidad and Tobago, Terrence Deyalsingh, who co-chaired
               the meeting organized by Cook Islands and CARICOM and facilitated by Regional Office of the

               World  Health  Organization  (WHO)  for  the  Western  Pacific  and  the  Pan  American  Health
               Organization (PAHO).

               Nickolas  Steele,  the  Minister  of  Health  of  Grenada,  which  hosted  last  year's  Third  Global
               Conference on Health and Climate: Special Focus on Small Island Developing States, stated
               that addressing the issue of climate change and health together "is about our survival". Steele
               also highlighted the need for more case studies and evidence on the effects of climate change
               on health.

               The  Minister  of  Health  of  Jamaica  presented  the  campaign  ‘Caribbean  Moves’,  which
               encourages  the  population  to  get  regular  health  checks,  engage  in  physical  activity  and
               promotes a balanced diet. This initiative could be adapted and replicated in the Pacific.
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