Page 15 - HOH
P. 15

The Minister of Health of the Cook Islands, and co-chair of the meeting, Vainetutai Rose Toki-
               Brown,  stressed  the  importance  of  continued  collaboration  and  cooperation  among  island

               "There is a season for everything under the sun and this is our season, an opportunity for the
               Pacific to work with the Caribbean, to join forces and work as a family, to support each other,
               blossom and grow. Let us all learn from each other and share best practices and resources",
               said Toki-Brown.

               Participating  ministers  and  high-level  health  authorities  from  the  Caribbean  included  the
               Bahamas,  Grenada,  Jamaica,  Haiti,  Saint  Lucia  and  Trinidad  and  Tobago.  From  the  Pacific,
               participating ministers and high-level health authorities included those from Fiji, Cook Islands,

               Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, French Polynesia, Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu.

               Representatives from the CARICOM Secretariat, the Secretariat of the Organization of Eastern
               Caribbean  States  (OECS),  the  Commonwealth  Secretariat  and  PAHO  also  took  part  in  the


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