Page 9 - DESPA
P. 9
CLASSIFIED Friday 2 June 2017
Alaska aerospace business again has high hopes dOCTOR ON dUTY
at Alaska Aerospace’s Dr. Pieterse H
launch site on Kodiak Is- Tel. 583 3330
San Nicolas
land — about 250 air miles Dr. Linden v/d
(402 kilometers) southwest TIME SHARES FOR SALE Tel. 584 6427
of Anchorage in the Gulf Caribbean Palm Village Weeks EMERGENCIA 911
of Alaska — because of week 7 $6,500.00
week 26 $2,000.00
proprietary concerns. But all are 2 beedroom all are
the remote site is well-po- garden view
sitioned for polar launch- e-mail:
es, which often are used Call: 609 775 3836 POLICE 100
for communication and _________________________________207485 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
weather satellites and FOR SALE BY OWNER NOORD 527-3200
those that take images of Wk 9 Divi Little Bay STA. CRUZ 527-2900
Earth. An advantage Alas- St. Maarten SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
rm 621 1 Br /1 Ba rTu: exp.
ka has over major launch POLICE TIPLINE 11141
sites is a lack of wait times, 2042 ocean / bay view
Craig Campbell, the chief executive officer of Alaska Aero- said Micah Walter-Range, 717 319 9324 +10 accelerated FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
space Corporation, poses for a photo at his office in Anchorage, Sleeps 4 $6,000 HOSPITAL 527-4000
Alaska. Once close to death, Campbell says the state-owned research and analysis di- e-mail: DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
agency has rebounded after a rocket exploded after a launch rector for the Space Foun- AMBULANCE 582-1234
in 2014, leaving the launch site on Kodiak Island, in Alaska, with dation, a space advocacy IMSAN 524-8833
Women in Difficulties
damaged facilities and no customers. organization. A boom in _________________________________207466
(AP Photo/Mark Thiessen) smaller satellites tied to Divi Phoenix PHARMACY
cheaper hardware com- pool side unit 1003 studio wk Oranjestad:
By BECKY BOHRER ers,” Alaska Aerospace ponents and other factors 22, 6/3 $3,700 Central Tel. 585 8077
Associated Press CEO Craig Campbell said. also presents opportunity, aruba Beach Club wk 22 unit San Nicolas
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — “We’ve turned the corner.” he said. 151 superior 6/3, $1888 and Aloe Tel. 584 4606
When most people think Alaska sought to develop The corporation launched Casa del Mar amb wk 21, 5/27
of Alaska, they picture its its aerospace sector in its first rocket in 1998. It $1,850. also one br cdm unit INFORMATION 118
thick forests, hulking grizzly 1991 as states and private had another 16 launches 1326 wk 29 6/22 school vac. TAXI-TAS 587-5900
bears and soaring, snow- organizations were look- through 2014, when a rock- 7/22 $2,750 or rent $850 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
covered peaks. ing to capture a piece of et carrying an experimen- e-mail: TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
What they might not imag- a space industry that had tal Army strike weapon was 508 651 0016 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
ine is rockets whisking de- once been the domain of blown up after taking off 280-2828
fense and other payloads NASA. Alaska Aerospace from Kodiak Island. All of _________________________________207499 CruiSe SHiP
into space. But America’s now runs one of 10 com- the launches it conducted
northernmost state has mercial launch sites in the were for the federal gov-
that too, entering the high- U.S. that are regulated by ernment, including NASA.
tech aerospace business the Federal Aviation Ad- The blast, which dam-
more than 25 years ago as ministration. Some are co- aged launch site facilities,
it looked to diversify its oil- located with federal facili- proved pivotal, coinciding June 6
reliant economy. ties or have buzzy partner- with a ballooning state def- Carnival Magic
The state-owned Alaska ships. The anchor tenant at icit and a diminished ap- June 7
Aerospace Corp. hit a low New Mexico’s state-owned petite among some Alas- Carnival Splendor
point after a rocket explod- Spaceport America is Vir- ka legislators to put more
ed at its launch site in 2014 gin Galactic. state funding toward what Aruba Airport 524-2424
amid a deepening state Campbell is tight-lipped some at that time saw as a UITVERKOOP VAN American Airlines 582-2700
deficit. The governor later about some of the business money-sucking novelty.q BARATILLO/ SALE OF Avianca 588-0059
gave it an ultimatum: Be- orchideeen op stronken / Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Jet Blue
come self-sustaining or shut orkideanan riba tronco/ Surinam 582-7896
down. Today, Alaska Aero- orchids on trunks Venezolana 583-7674
space has rebuilt its launch Bij elke aankoop een orchi- Aruba Foundation
site and is again showing dee cadeau/ na tur cumpra un For those Visually Incapasitated
signs of liftoff. It is no longer orkidea como regalo Tel. 582-5051
confined to Alaska or gov- cell: 562 6581 AL-ANON group
ernment contracts, recent- Sabana Liber #8, Noord
ly winning, for example, a _________________________________207551 Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
deal with Rocket Lab to Caribbean Plam Village FUNDACIONS
track the company’s rock- two bedroom floading weeks Respetami
ets and monitor its onboard $6,000 contact Tel. 582-4433
systems in New Zealand. Centro Diabetic Arubano
Gov. Bill Walker said he is or 001 419 344 5855 Tel. 524-8888
impressed by the corpora- _________________________________207552
tion’s aggressive pursuit of Narcotics Anonymous
contracts and its “transfor- Tel. 583-8989
mation.” His budget office QUOTA Club
recently freed $2.2 million Tel. 525-2672
in state money previously
earmarked for the corpo- Women in Difficulties
ration for launch site im- Tel. 583-5400
“Two years ago, we had Bloodbank Aruba
a failed rocket, and we Tel. 587-0002
had a destroyed facility,
and we had no custom-