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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 2 SepteMber 2019
            Cutting it close: Florida’s                                                                                                  HEALTH

            fate may be a matter of miles                                                                                          DOCTOR ON DUTY

                                                                                                   FOR SALE
            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                     Divi Studio                  Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            AP Science Writer                                                                      wk 35 8/31 dutch Village rm 128   Tel. 527 4000
            For  Florida,  just  a  handful                                                        buy $2,650                         San Nicolas
            of miles may make a huge                                                               divi Golf wk 35 8/31, unit 4201,   IMSAN 24 Hours
            difference  in  Hurricane                                                              start $2,650                  Tel.524 8833
            Dorian’s  slow  dance  with                                                            e-mail:       Women in Difficulties
            the coast.                                                                             or call 508-651-0016         PHARMACY ON DUTY
            The   National   Hurricane                                                             _________________________________211687
            Center forecasts Dorian to                                                             HOUSE FOR SALE               Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4908
            be  40  to  50  miles  off  the                                                        near Marriott Hotel          San Nicolas:
            Florida  coast  on  Tuesday                                                            two story 4 bedroom,         Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
            and Wednesday, with hur-                                                               3 bathroom.                  Women in Difficulties
            ricane-force  wind  speeds                                                             balconi with hotel view      OTHER
            extending  about  35  miles                                                            price US$850,000             Dental Clinic 587 9850
            to the west.                                                                           5 min. from the beach        Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            But  that’s  just  one  point   This  GOES-16  satellite  image  taken  Sunday,  Sept.  1,  2019,  at   Whatsapp 560 0827   Urgent Care 586 0448
            that  forecasters  have  to   17:00 UTC and provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric   _________________________________211697  Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
                                                                                                                                +297 588 0539
            choose to place the mon-     Administration (NOAA), shows Hurricane Dorian, right, churning                         Women in Difficulties
            strous  storm  that  packed   over the Atlantic Ocean.                Associated Press                              EMERGENCY
            185 mph winds on Sunday.
            It could be within 100 miles   delicate  and  difficult.  Just  That means just a smidge of                         Police           100
                                         a  few  miles  west  or  east  a  movement  days  ahead
                                                                                                                                                 527 3140
            of that point, which is why                                                                                         Noord            527 3200
            the  hurricane  center  uses   makes  the  difference  be-  of  time,  while  Dorian  is  in                        Sta. Cruz        527 2900
                                         tween  devastation  and  the  Bahamas,  can  rever-
            —  and  emphasizes  —  a                                                                                            San  Nicolas      584 5000
            shaded cone of uncertain-    bad but not horrible dam-    berate and mean a direct                                  Police Tipline      11141
                                                                      hit or not, said private me-
                                         age, meteorologists said.
            ty.And much of the Florida                                                                                          Ambulancia       911
            coast is inside that cone.   “Where  it  doesn’t  directly  teorologist Ryan Maue.                                  Fire Dept.       115
                                         hit,  it’s  not  going  to  be  a  That  can  happen  just  be-
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                 582 2219
            “This thing is perilously close
            to  the  state.  I  think  we   huge  problem,”  Colorado  cause  of  the  timing  of                               TAXI SERVICES
                                         State  University  hurricane  when
            should  all  hope  and  pray                                                                                        Taxi Tas      587 5900
            for  the  best,  but  we  have   researcher  Phil  Klotzbach  collapses  and  is  replaced,                         Prof. Taxi    588 0035
                                                                      which happens normally in
            to  prepare  that  this  could                                                                                      Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            have  major  impacts  on     With  a  big,  sloppy  hurri-  storms.                                                 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                         cane  —  say  50%  larger  in  Adding  to  that  problem  is
            the  state  of  Florida,”  said                                                                                     A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.   size  —  all  of  Florida  would  Dorian’s slow, almost snail-                         Women in Difficulties
                                         be  under  a  serious  threat,  like  pace.  What  initially
            “If you look at the National                                                                                        TRAVEL INFO
            Hurricane Center’s current   but  that’s  not  the  case,  looked  like  a  Labor  Day                              Aruba Airport   524 2424
                                         said  University  of  Miami  storm  for  the  U.S.  is  now
            track, I think it ends up with-                                                                                     American Airlines 582 2700
            in 30 miles of the coast of   hurricane  researcher  Brian  approaching Tuesday and                                 Avianca       588 0059
            Florida.  Well  guess  what?                                                                                        Jet Blue      588 2244
            You  do  just  a  touch  of  a   This  is  what  makes  this  a  “People  are  getting  impa-                       Surinam       582 7896
                                         nightmare  for  forecasters,  tient  with  this,”  McNoldy
            bump one way or another,
            and you have a dramatic      McNoldy said.                said.  Because  the  threat                               Women in Difficulties
                                         It’s  a  combination  of  the  seems  to  keep  sticking
            difference all of a sudden.”                                                                                        CRUISES
            Center  Director  Ken  Gra-  small  size,  close-in  track,  around, it could be a prob-
                                         like  Matthew  in  2016,  and  lem  getting  the  right  mes-
            ham  is  telling  residents
            don’t  bet  on  safety  just   weak   steering   currents.  sage across, he said.q
            because  his  office  spe-
            cific forecast track has the
            storm just a bit offshore.                                                                                          September 02
            “The cone is so important,”                                                                                         September 04
            Graham said.                                                                                                        Monarch
            And making matters more                                                                                             Women in Difficulties
            touch-and-go  is  that  with                                                                                        AID FOUNDATIONS
            every  new  forecast,  “we                                                                                          FAVI- Visually Impaired
            keep  nudging  (Dorian’s                                                                                            Tel. 582 5051
            track) a little bit to the left,”                                                                                   Alcoholics Anonymous
            which is closer to the Flori-                                                                                       Tel. 736 2952
            da coast, he said.                                                                                                  Narcotics Anonymous
            Dorian  is  a  powerful  but                                                                                        Tel. 583 8989
            small  hurricane  with  hurri-                                                                                      Women in Difficulties
            cane-force  winds  Sunday                                                                                           Tel. 583 5400
            only  extending  29  miles                                                                                          Centre for Diabetes
            to  the  west,  but  they  are                                                                                      Tel. 524 8888
            expecting  to  grow  a  bit.                                                                                        Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            That  makes  forecasting
            the storm’s path along the                                                                                          Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            coast  —  either  just  off  the                                                                                    General Info
            coast,  skirting  it  or  moving
            inland  with  a  direct  hit  —                                                                                     Phone Directory Tel. 118
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