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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 2 SepteMber 2019

            Clock is ticking on NY deadline for

            student vaccinations

            By CAROLYN THOMPSON          who  will  home-school  her   cases  have  been  among
            Associated Press             children  rather  than  have   unvaccinated  people  in
            BUFFALO,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  them        vaccinated.    She   Orthodox  Jewish  commu-
            When New York lawmakers  said not everyone has the        nities  .  Resistance  to  vac-
            revoked a religious exemp-   means  or  time  to  do  the   cinations  remains,  despite
            tion  for  mandatory  school  same.At the private Aurora   scientific  evidence  that
            vaccinations,  the  change  Waldorf  School  in  subur-   they are both safe and ef-
            sent  thousands  of  the  ban  Buffalo,  parents  of  21   fective.
            state’s  parents  scrambling  students  said  they  would   The  state  Health  Depart-
            to get their kids shots — or  not  be  attending  this  fall,   ment  will  audit  schools  to
            get  them  out  of  the  class-  rather  than  rush  to  vac-  assure compliance with the
            room entirely.               cinate,  said  administrator   new  law  and  require  un-  In this March 27, 2019, file photo, a woman receives a measles,
            Lawmakers  did  away  with  Anna  Harp,  who  oversees    vaccinated  students  with-  mumps  and  rubella  vaccine  at  the  Rockland  County  Health
            the  exemption  in  June  about  175  students  from      out a valid medical excuse   Department in Pomona, N.Y.
            amid  the  nation’s  worst  preschool to eighth grade.    to  leave  school,  spokes-                                           Associated Press
            measles  outbreak  since  “Some  families  have  told     woman  Jill  Montag  said.  in an email.                  teachings  but  rather  per-
            1992. More than 26,000 chil-  us that they plan to home-  Schools   already   submit  Before  the  statewide  law  sonal beliefs, including that
            dren in public and private  school,  and  a  few  said    annual  surveys  about  im-  change, the New York City  God  created  people  with
            schools and day care cen-    that they were moving out    munization  coverage  and  Health  Department  closed  natural  immunity  against
            ters  had  previously  gone  of  New  York,”  Harp  said.   are subject to spot checks  12  schools  that  could  not  diseases.
            unvaccinated  for  religious  “Several families have told   to  confirm  their  answers.  prove  students  were  vac-  A literacy coach for Buffalo
            reasons,  according  to  the  us that they plan to return   Schools  that  violate  the  cinated  following  an  April  Public Schools, she said her
            state Health Department.     once their children’s immu-  rules could face fines.      emergency order.             full workday will now be fol-
            Now  time  is  running  short.  nizations are up to date.”  “We do not anticipate hav-  Like many parents, Gentry’s  lowed  by  lessons  with  her
            Unvaccinated       students  New  York  became  the       ing  any  problems  securing  view on vaccines does not  kids  before  and  after  din-
            have 14 days from the start  fourth state, along with Cal-  compliance,” Montag said  stem  from  formal  religious  ner. q
            of school to prove they re-  ifornia, Mississippi and West
            ceived the first dose of each  Virginia,  to  eliminate  reli-
            immunization,  and  they  gious  and  personal-belief
            must  make  appointments  exemptions  for  vaccines.
            for  the  next  round  within  Maine will remove them in
            a  month.  Most  schools  re-  2021. All states allow medi-
            open just after Labor Day.   cal exemptions.
            Some  parents  opposed  to  More  than  1,200  cases  of
            vaccinations  are  choosing  measles  have  been  con-
            to pull their kids from school  firmed in 30 states this year,
            rather than comply.          more  than  three-quarters
            “Those  that  are  choosing  of them linked to outbreaks
            to  vaccinate,  it’s  not  be-  in New York and New York
            cause  their  beliefs  have  City,  the  Centers  for  Dis-
            changed,”  said  Jina  Gen-  ease Control reported.
            try, a Buffalo mother of four  Many  of  the  New  York

            Maryland: Man

            accused of ramming car

            into City Hall arrested

            TANEYTOWN,  Md.  (AP)  —  including  second-degree
            Police  in  a  Maryland  city  assault,   second-degree
            arrested   a   “disgruntled  burglary,  reckless  driving
            resident”  accused  of  in-  and  malicious  destruction
            tentionally ramming his car  of  property.  The  police
            into  City  Hall  and  damag-  statement  doesn’t  name
            ing  the  building,  the  city’s  the suspect.
            mayor said Sunday.           Police  said  witnesses  saw
            The  driver  didn’t  injure  the  the  car  repeatedly  strike
            lone  Taneytown  city  em-   the  building.  Wantz  said
            ployee  who  was  in  the  during  a  telephone  inter-
            building on Friday evening  view that the man was an-
            when  the  car  plowed  into  gry because his water ser-
            City  Hall,  Mayor  Bradley  vice had been shut off for
            Wantz said.                  failing to pay his bill.
            The  Taneytown  Police  De-  “This  was  his  response  to
            partment  said  in  a  state-  that,” the mayor added.
            ment  posted  on  its  Face-  The  mayor  says  City  Hall
            book page that the driver  will  remain  closed  through
            was  arrested  on  charges  Tuesday.q
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