Page 14 - ARUBA BANK
P. 14
20 AWEMainta Diabierna, 8 Maart 2019
Letter to the Editor
My name is Nicole Natalie Lin and
I have a disease called COPD. I am
stage 4 which is the end stage (ter-
minal) to this awful disease.
I have been given 4-6 months to live
from a pulmonologist here in Aruba
in the hospital in November 2016.
I was not ready to give up at age 44.
I researched and looked into some-
thing called Stemcell and discov-
ered there was hope.
I managed to get help and dona-
tions last year to travel and get two
treatments. My lungs improved.
My quality of life improved so much
that I am almost fully independent
now and most important, still alive.
I can breathe better, get less flair ups
and can shower by myself every day
and do simple things in life like gro-
cery shopping and helping others
in need. Simple things in life that time. Precious and valuable time meaning breathe better every day
mean so much for a person with a that counts for me every single day. and live a little bit more comfort-
terminal disease fighting everyday I want to be able to help and be the able. So please anything that you
to stay alive. voice for others who cannot speak. can help me with would be highly
appreciated. Every little helps and
I have sent my request to the AZV I just started working with a Notary every life counts.
but I have been rejected for the to start a Foundation but as I was
3 time because they are saying it is told this will also take some time. I am 46 now and still alive and still
not in their guidelines. In the meantime I am due for an- breathing. With positivism, your
other treatment in April of this year. help and faith we can make this
Being that there is no other treat- happen.
ment that can be given to us for this So here I am once again trying to
disease here in Aruba other that get the financial help I need to go Sincerely,
send us home to die. There is no get my needed treatment. The treat- Nicole N. Lin
known cure. ment keeps my lungs from further RBC 4433483
deterioration. Cell.:5684040
I have started a case with a lawyer
for the right for medical treatment It stops the disease and helps me Natalie’s fight for hope: A COPD
but as we all know this will take stay stable with my quality of life, treatment testimonial