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                         Friday 17 May 2019

            Using a smartphone to sound out sign of kids’ ear infections

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                 lar  results  as  young  as  9
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   months. And in a separate
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            experiment  involving  25
            searchers  have  created  a                                                                                         kids’ ears, parents used the
            way  for  a  smartphone  to                                                                                         smartphone  to  check  for
            “hear”  a  warning  sign  of                                                                                        fluid just as well as doctors
            ear infections — fluid build-                                                                                       did.  “Examining  ears  is  dif-
            up behind the eardrum.                                                                                              ficult,” and better tools are
            If it pans out, parents might                                                                                       needed  for  doctors,  too,
            one  day  check  their  tots’                                                                                       said  Dr.  Alejandro  Hober-
            ears at home simply using a                                                                                         man,  pediatrics  chief  at
            phone  app  and  “stuff  you                                                                                        UPMC  Children’s  Hospi-
            have around the house —                                                                                             tal  of  Pittsburgh,  who  also
            paper,  tape  and  scissors,”                                                                                       wasn’t part of the research.
            said  one  of  the  lead  re-                                                                                       But  just  because  there’s
            searchers,  Dr.  Sharat  Raju                                                                                       fluid present doesn’t mean
            of  the  University  of  Wash-                                                                                      it’s infected — and Hober-
            ington.  Ear  infections  are                                                                                       man worried that at-home
            one  of  the  most  common                                                                                          use of such a device “may
            reasons  for  pediatrician                                                                                          alarm  parents”  and  pres-
            visits.  Even  if  there’s  no  in-                                                                                 sure  doctors  to  prescribe
            fection, fluid that builds up                                                                                       unnecessary antibiotics.
            in  the  middle  ear  still  can   In this undated photo provided by the University of Washington in May 2019, Dr. Randall Bly uses   Dr. Randall Bly, a University
            be  painful  and  sometimes   a uses a phone app and a paper funnel to focus the sound, to check his daughter for an ear   of Washington ear special-
            can muffle hearing enough    infection, at the UW School of Medicine in Seattle.                                    ist and study co-author, says
            to affect speech develop-                                                                          Associated Press  the smartphone approach
            ment.                        proach for acoustic testing:  reflected  sound.  The  app  Researchers tested the sys-  is  a  bit  like  using  a  ther-
            Diagnosis is difficult. Usually  Cut a piece of paper, fold  sends a text saying wheth-  tem on 98 ears, in children  mometer in deciding when
            a pediatrician will peek into  it  into  a  funnel  shape  and  er it’s likely that middle-ear  older  than  18  months  who  to call a doctor. If it finds no
            the child’s ear to see if the  tape it around the phone’s  fluid is present — one piece  were about to undergo sur-  sign of fluid, “then you can
            eardrum  is  inflamed,  and  microphone and speakers.  of  information,  along  with  gery  at  Seattle  Children’s  be pretty confident the fe-
            parents  can  buy  devices  Aim  the  funnel  at  the  ear  other symptoms, that might  Hospital.  Half  were  having  ver or whatever is probably
            that use cameras to do the  canal  to  focus  sound.  An  be used for diagnosis.       ear  tubes  implanted,  so  not related to an ear infec-
            same thing. But ear special-  experimental  app  beams  “This  type  of  technology  doctors  could  tell  exactly  tion,” he explained. But lots
            ists tend to use pricier, more  in birdlike chirps, at a spe-  could  potentially  avoid  how  much  fluid  was  pres-  of  children  have  persistent
            complex tests that measure  cific  frequency.  The  mi-   needless doctor visits,” said  ent  to  compare  with  the  ear  fluid  without  infections
            if  the  eardrum  is  pliable  crophone  detects  sound  Dr.  Justin  Golub,  a  Colum-  smartphone  results.  The  —  and  they’re  supposed
            enough to vibrate correct-   waves  bouncing  off  the  bia University ear specialist  system  detected  fluid  as  to be tracked for months in
            ly  in  response  to  sound,  or  eardrum.                who  wasn’t  involved  with  well or better than special-  deciding  if  they  need  ear
            is  stiff  from  the  pressure  of  The  app  analyzes  that  the  research.  Golub  of-  ized  acoustic  testing  de-  tubes.  At-home  monitor-
            fluid behind it.             echo,  a  broad-spectrum  ten  sees  patients  with  sus-  vices,  the  team  reported  ing  would  be  easier  and
            A  team  of  engineers  and  vibration  from  a  healthy  pected ear infections who  Wednesday  in  the  journal  cheaper  than  repeated
            doctors  at  the  University  eardrum. Pus or uninfected  don’t  actually  have  one.  Science Translational Medi-  doctor visits just for an ear
            of  Washington  developed  fluid  alters  the  eardrum’s  He  called  the  tool’s  accu-  cine.                     test, added Raju, a surgical
            a  simple  smartphone  ap-   mobility  and  changes  the  racy “quite impressive.”     A smaller test showed simi-  resident.q

            White House launches survey looking for tech industry bias

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY                                                                     bones  online  form  reads  “continuing  to  monitor  the
            AP Technology Writer                                                                   like a tweet from the presi-  censorship  of  AMERICAN
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                dent,  saying  that  “SOCIAL  CITIZENS  on  social  media
            On  the  heels  of  President                                                          MEDIA  PLATFORMS  should  platforms. This is the United
            Donald  Trump’s  repeated                                                              advance     FREEDOM     OF  States  of  America  —  and
            assertions  claiming  anti-                                                            SPEECH.  Yet  too  many  we  have  what’s  known  as
            conservative  bias  by  tech                                                           Americans    have     seen  FREEDOM OF SPEECH!”
            companies,     the   White                                                             their  accounts  suspended,  The   questionnaire   con-
            House  has  launched  an                                                               banned,  or  fraudulently  tinues  by  asking  people
            online  form  asking  people                                                           reported for unclear ‘viola-  names,  contact  informa-
            to  share  their  experiences                                                          tions’ of user policies.”    tion, whether they are U.S.
            if  they  think  political  parti-                                                     Earlier  this  month,  Trump  citizens  or  permanent  resi-
            sanship has led them to be                                                             sent  out  a  series  of  tweets  dents and what happened
            silenced  by  social  media                                                            criticizing   social   media  to  their  social  media  ac-
            sites.                                                                                 companies after Facebook  counts in question.
            The  White  House’s  official   In this Tuesday, May 14, 2019, file photo, President Donald Trump   banned  several  extremist  It  also  asks  if  the  respon-
            Twitter  account  tweeted    speaks to members of the media on the South Lawn of the White   figures, most of them prom-  dent  wants  to  sign  up  for
            a link to the form Wednes-   House in Washington.                                      inent  far  right  personalities  the president’s email news-
            day, saying that “The Trump                                           Associated Press  such as conspiracy theorist  letters, “so we can update
            Administration is fighting for  “no  matter  your  views,  if  sored  or  silenced  online,  Alex Jones.            you without relying on plat-
            free speech online.”         you  suspect  political  bias  we want to hear about it!”  Trump  tweeted  on  May  forms  like  Facebook  and
            The  tweet  continues  that  has caused you to be cen-    On the first page, the bare-  3,  for  instance,  that  he  is  Twitter.” q
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