P. 10
Tuesday 28 May 2019
Syrian air raids hit crowded residential areas in Idlib
By SARAH EL DEEB up north and crowding al-
Associated Press ready packed camps and
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian gov- towns. Most of those dis-
ernment air raids killed at placed are living outside of
least nine people on Mon- camps, the U.N said, while
day, after hitting a crowd- some have sought safety
ed residential area in the near the Turkish border
last rebel stronghold in the where they hope no air-
northwest province of Idlib, strikes would pursue them
rescuers and activists said. there. Some 20 health fa-
The first responders known cilities, three displaced
as White Helmets said 11 people’s camp and one
people were killed, includ- refugee camp were hit in
ing six children and four the violence, the U.N. Of-
women. Rescue workers fice for the Coordination of
were still searching for survi- Humanitarian Affairs report-
vors under the rubble after ed on Friday.
the airstrikes hit in the town Since the violence picked
of Ariha. One rescuer said up on April 30, the Obser-
after two hours of search- vatory said at least 215
ing two children were civilians, including 47 chil-
pulled out alive. dren were killed in the rebel
Videos from the scene by This photo provided by the Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets, which has been authenticated stronghold. In adjacent
the White Helmets showed based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Civil Defense workers inspecting a damaged government areas, 21 ci-
a narrow alley blocked building after an airstrike by Syrian government forces, in the town of Ariha, in the northwestern vilians were killed by rebel
by the debris from a pul- province of Idlib, Syria, Monday, May 27, 2019. fire, according to the Ob-
verized building. Survivors Associated Press servatory which monitors
covered in white dust were it had lost to armed opposi- iha, said the bombs fell on it heads toward the ground, the war.
among those who lifted a tion. In the last three years, two buildings only meters and it is terrifying,” Ghayath On Monday alone, the Ob-
wounded man on a gurney Syrian troops, with support away from a main market said. He spoke on condition servatory said there were
and a young girl into the from Russia and Iran, have which was packed with only his first name is used, more than 100 air raids and
ambulance. The Syrian Ob- regained control of most shoppers at the time of fearing he would be traced as many as 93 barrel bombs
servatory for Human Rights of the country, displacing the strike. He had passed by government forces and dropped on the southern
reported 17 were killed on hundreds of thousands, through the narrow street his house targeted. section of the rebel strong-
Monday, including nine in mostly to Hama and Idlib, on his way home minutes A cease-fire in place since hold. Russia and the gov-
Ariha and six others in an- where rebels are making before the strike. He re- September in the province ernment announced last
other village, Hazareen. their last stand. turned more than half an of Idlib, negotiated by Rus- week the opening of two
The scene in Ariha was rem- But this rebel stronghold hour later to inspect what sia and Turkey, has all but corridors for civilians to exit
iniscent of the violence that is home to nearly 3 mil- happened as rescuers collapsed. the rebel-held enclave—
has hit many rebel-held ar- lion people, who have no- looked for survivors. It was U.N. agencies say more another familiar tactic fol-
eas as the government pur- where to run to escape the “too painful” to watch, so than 200,000 are displaced lowed to empty opposi-
sued similar military tactics government offensive. he left, he said. within the stronghold, mov- tion areas amid a military
to regain control of territory Ghayath, a resident of Ar- “We can hear the bomb as ing from the southern tip operation.q
Poland’s ruling right-wing party tops the polls
By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA ticipation of party leader tion governing the appoint-
Associated Press Jaroslaw Kaczynski and ment and regularion of the
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — quick containment of crises judiciary. The biggest vote-
Poland’s ruling Law and — from leaders’ business getter, with some 450,000
Justice party has emerged dealings to revelations of votes, was former prime
as the big winner in the child sex abuse by priests minister Beata Szydlo, who
country’s European parlia- — contributed to its good is remembered for launch-
ment elections, taking over showing. ing the Law and Justice
45% of the votes following “This is an impressive vic- program of benefits for
an aggressive campaign tory for Law and Justice large families in 2016.
against a united opposition given the number of crises The ruling party’s win sig-
in a year of key elections. that could have potentially nals a government reshuf-
Preliminary results from damaged its image and fle in the coming weeks.
more than 99% of voting the fact that voters were Some current ministers
stations announced Mon- assessing its almost four have won seats. Kucharc-
day by the State Electoral years in power,” said soci- zyk also praised opposition
Commission suggest that ologist Jacek Kucharczyk, leader Grzegorz Schetyna
the right-wing ruling party head of the Institute of Pub- for forming the European
has a good chance of win- Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of PiS party ,Law and Justice, gives lic Affairs think tank. Coalition of center-left par-
ning crucial elections to the a speech after announcing the first results of the European The Polish ruling party has ties that won some 38% of
national parliament in the parliament election in Warsaw, Poland, Sunday, May 26, 2019. a difficult relationship with votes and is the only politi-
Associated Press
fall and continuing its pol- the EU, which has put the cal force capable of com-
icy of social conservatism the right-wing, nationalist ever in any election. country under scrutiny for peting against Law and
and euroskepticism. party in European ballot- Analysts said the intensive what it sees as an attack Justice in the national par-
It was the first ever win for ing and apparently its best campaign, with the par- on rule of law from legisla- liament elections. q