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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 28 May 2019

            Texas’ election chief resigns after voter citizenship flub

            By PAUL J. WEBER and CLA-                                                                                           islature  sharply  changed
            RICE SIBLER                                                                                                         after Republicans lost more
            Associated Press                                                                                                    than  a  dozen  seats  in  the
            AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  The                                                                                        2018  midterms.  Democrats
            embattled  Texas  elections                                                                                         would  need  to  flip  nine
            chief  who  questioned  the                                                                                         more seats in 2020 to take
            U.S.  citizenship  of  nearly                                                                                       control of the Texas House
            100,000  people  resigned                                                                                           for the first time since 2001,
            Monday  ahead  of  being                                                                                            a  tall  task  but  one  that
            forced  out  of  office,  step-                                                                                     Democrats say isn’t impos-
            ping down as Republicans                                                                                            sible  in  a  highly-charged
            went  home  to  defend                                                                                              presidential year.
            their  vulnerable  majority  in                                                                                     Rather  than  waging  parti-
            2020 rather than try forcing                                                                                        san  battles,  a  weakened
            a  late  vote  to  save  Gov.                                                                                       GOP     majority   instead
            Greg Abbott’s nominee.                                                                                              poured  an  extra  $4.6  bil-
            Secretary  of  State  David                                                                                         lion  into  classrooms  and
            Whitley  never  received  a                                                                                         took  measures  to  slow  ris-
            confirmation  vote  for  his                                                                                        ing property taxes. Abbott
            post before the Texas Leg-    In this Feb. 7, 2019 file photo, Secretary of State David Whitley, left, arrives for his confirmation   is  also  expected  to  sign
            islature gaveled out for two   hearing in Austin, Texas. Whitley, Texas embattled elections chief, is on the brink of losing his job   $1.6 billion in teacher raises
            years.  It  was  a  quiet  end   over wrongly questioning the U.S. citizenship of thousands of voters.              in  Texas,  where  teachers
            to  an  unusually  mild  five                                                                      Associated Press  make  about  $7,000  below
            months in the Capitol that  office led a botched scour-   state,  especially  concern-  in  days,  Whitley’s  office  the national average.
            for  a  decade  has  been  a  ing of voter rolls in January  ing the issues the secretary   began  walking  back  the  “Well, let me answer it this
            battlefield  of  culture  wars  that misidentified scores of  of state has to deal with as   numbers.  The  ensuing  up-  way,  I  hope  so,  but  that
            and bare-knuckled conser-    people as non-citizens, set  it  relates  to  voting,  more   roar  threatened  to  cause  wasn’t  why  we  did  what
            vatism. Republicans in gun-  off questions from Congress  particularly  as  it  relates  to   another  heated  legisla-  we  did,”  Bonnen  said.  “I
            friendly  Texas  even  quietly  and led to the state settling  2020. You’ve got to have a   tive  session  on  the  heels  think you saw an extraordi-
            went  around  the  National  a federal lawsuit.           secretary  of  state  that  will   of passing some of the na-  nary commitment from Re-
            Rifle Association before go-  Whitley did not address the  be fair and balanced and    tion’s  toughest  abortion  publicans  and  Democrats
            ing home, setting up a test  flubbed voter search in his  not  pre-judge  voters  with   restrictions,   immigration  working in such a harmoni-
            for  Abbott  on  whether  he  resignation letter to Abbott.  suppression-type   issues,”   crackdowns  and  a  failed  ous respectful way on these
            will veto a $1 million public  “Working  alongside  the  Democratic  Sen.  Royce       effort  in  2017  to  pass  a  big issues. I think what it re-
            safety  campaign  for  gun  employees in the secretary  West  said.  Texas  is  one  of   “bathroom  bill”  targeting  ally does though is it helps
            storage.  Abbott  publicly  of  state’s  office,  county  the  nation’s  biggest  recur-  transgender  people.  But  every  member  of  Texas
            kept  up  hopes  for  Whitley  elections officials, and rep-  ring  battlegrounds  over   the  tone  in  the  GOP-leg-  House get re-elected.”q
            until  the  end,  refusing  to  resentatives of our #1 trad-  voting  rights.  Those  ten-
            rule  out  just  hours  before  ing  partner,  Mexico,  has  sions  reignited  as  Whitley’s   CAR RENTAL    5616944
            Monday’s  deadline  that  been my distinct honor and  office  claimed  that  58,000    Address: Paramira #30 (Oranjestad) - Email: - Website:
            his  hand-picked  elections  privilege,”  Whitley  wrote,  of the voters flagged were
            chief  might  hang  onto  his  according  to  a  letter  ob-  shown to have voted in at                                     We Rent:
            job. He said the state Sen-  tained by local media.       least  one  election  since                                   Cars- Vans - SUV
            ate  had  “fought  hard”  for  Democrats   for   months  1996,  prompting  President
            his  nominee.  But  Whitley’s  have said Whitley lost their  Donald  Trump  to  renew
            fate had appeared all but  trust  and  resisted  appeals  unsubstantiated  claims  of
            sealed  for  months.  Demo-  to reconsider.               rampant voter fraud.
            crats blocked a vote on his  “He seems like a great per-  But  the  data  used  was
            nomination  after  Whitley’s  son. But not for secretary of  deeply  flawed  and,  with-
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