P. 16
Tuesday 28 May 2019
Green Light on for Soul Beach
ORANJESTAD — All stars twinkle but born songstress moved to New
some shine just a little bit brighter. York at the age of twelve and five
Sunday night’s Soul Beach Music years later, returned to the UK. Mai
Festival (SBMF) brought John Leg- said, “That helped me merge two
end to the stage and he proved sounds together. I have lived in the
the adage to be true. This per- American culture in New York and
former sings better than his tracks, without it being a conscious deci-
more intense and yet his perfor- sion, it does influence my music.
mance is so natural. Legend lived In the end however, I think music
up to his name. The opening act is universal, no matter where you
was Ella Mai, fresh off her Grammy are.”
win for this year’s best R&B song. It would not be fair to compare Ella
She enchanted the audience with Mai with the experienced on-stage
her clear, pure and classic voice. performer Legend.
SBMF presented another successful He is legend_ary.
series of soul-sational nights. Born John Stephens and married
to model Chrissy Teigen since 2013, hour and twenty minutes, singing rise above them. During the inter-
With the Grammy Award winning Legend’s star power shone extra every song effortlessly. He alter- view he was asked, how does he
song,`Boo’d Up,’ Mai created a bright to close out SBMF19. Leg- nated between moving across the stay this grounded? Legend re-
chill vibe where you just drifted end is confident with a strong, pure stage or singing behind the piano, sponded, “I always have been
away with the Aruban trade winds voice and brilliant in holding sway even once sitting atop the piano_ like this, my parents raised me this
while listening to her. The London- over his public. He played for one and even invited one lucky fan to way. In all the craziness that comes
dance with him as he belted out, with the fame, I managed to stay
`Slow Dance.’ peaceful and cool.”
SBMF closed down to prepare for
To keep the evening simmering, another edition in 2020 which will
Ella Mai returned to the stage to be the 20th in the series. Be sure
sing her hit, `Everything,’ featuring to follow the excitement and see
Legend. which hot international stars will be
The audience loved him and for hosting the festival next year. Fol-
Legend, the feeling was mutual. low the festival at Facebook Soul
His genuine way gives his fans Beach Music Festival, www.soul-
something to relate to, he doesn’t and on Instagram.q