P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 28 May 2019

            Concussions                                                                                                         cine  evolve,  we  continue

                                                                                                                                to  evolve  what  we’re  do-
            Continued from Page 17       thing  else  with  technol-                                                            ing together.”
                                         ogy  and  helmets  that  you                                                           San  Jose’s  Brenden  Dillon
            The NHL formed a concus-     could  necessarily  do  as  of                                                         has  noticed  significant  im-
            sion  study  group  in  1997,  right  now  that  we  don’t                                                          provement  since  he  en-
            cracked  down  on  certain  know of yet.”                                                                           tered the league in 2012.
            hits  after  the  2004-05  lock-  Hall  of  Famer  Eric  Lindros                                                    “Not just the health people
            out, instituted a formal pro-  said  he  believes  concus-                                                          but the coaching staff, the
            tocol  and  a  rule  against  sions in hockey are inevita-                                                          trainers,  the  strength  and
            head contact in 2010, and  ble because of the speed                                                                 conditioning     coaches,
            added  spotters  in  2015.  and physical nature of the                                                              they’re all pretty aware of
            While plenty of debate sim-  sport.                                                                                 things  in  regards  to  con-
            mers among former players  NHL  Alumni  Association                                                                 cussions and they’re pretty
            about how much informa-      executive  director  Glenn                                                             good  about  taking  their
            tion they were given about  Healy said it is impossible to                                                          time and making sure guys
            the risks of repeated hits to  eliminate them.                                                                      are  healthy  before  they
            the  head,  many  of  those  The  league  and  players                                                              come  back,”  Dillon  said.
            currently in the league be-  instead  have  worked  re-   In this May 26, 2000, file photo, Philadelphia Flyers Eric Lindros,   “This is a game we play, a
                                                                      third from right, is assisted after getting hit in the first period of
            lieve  they  are  adequately  cently  toward  a  balance   Game 7 of their NHL hockey Eastern Conference finals against   life  we’ve  chosen  but  at
            informed.                    of prohibiting certain types   the New Jersey Devils in Philadelphia. Lindros could easily be   the same time we want to
            “The  knowledge  that  we  of  hits  with  in-game  pen-  the poster boy for concussions in the NHL given his experience.   have a life after.”
            get  is  about  as  much  as  alties  and  suspensions  to                                         Associated Press  Several   players   praised
            they  can  send  out  to  us  curb  the  kind  of  behavior   play through a head injury.  the  Players’  Association   the addition of concussion
            and make us go through at  that  used  to  be  common-    The  league  has  been  to  focus  on  player  health     spotters  who  can  request
            the beginning of the year,  place.  NHL  Commissioner     steadfast  in  denying  a  and  safety  and  to  make     players  be  pulled  from  a
            learning and  being  aware  Gary  Bettman  said  the  ef-  connection  between  re-    sure  that  we’re  making  a   game  in  progress.  It  has
            of it,” said Boston Bruins de-  fort began with former vice   peated  hits  to  the  head  game that’s played at high   caused  plenty  of  conster-
            fenseman  Brandon  Carlo,  president  of  player  safety   and  degenerative  brain  speeds in an enclosed en-      nation  from  competitive
            who will play in the Stanley  Brendan  Shanahan  and      injuries but has nonetheless  vironment and is a collision   athletes  who  think  they’re
            Cup  Final  beginning  Mon-  the cultural change of let-  pushed  changes  to  better  sport, to make it as safe as   good to go, but, like seat-
            day. “They do a good job  ting  up  on  dangerous  hits   protect players.             possible,”  Bettman  said.   belt  and  motorcycle  hel-
            on  the  awareness  aspect.  and  shedding  the  mental-  “This  has  been  a  collabo-  “As  the  technology  and   met laws, it serves to protect
            I don’t know if there’s any-  ity that anyone should just   ration  of  the  league  and  the science and the medi-  players from themselves.q
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