P. 24
A24 technology
Tuesday 28 May 2019
California show explores Warhol’s social, tech foreshadowing
By KATIE OYAN in his capacity to absorb
Associated Press things.”
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Be- In 1963, he was commis-
fore Instagram and Face- sioned to do his first portrait,
book, before selfies and of modern-art collector
filters that perfect selfies, Ethel Redner Scull.
there was Andy Warhol, us- The artist took Scull to a
ing his art to imbue friends, photo booth in New York,
family, celebrities — even gave her a stack of coins
himself — with a certain and said, “Pose,” Garrels
mystique. said. She took 300 pictures,
A retrospective of War- looking playful, pensive
hol’s work on display in San and everything in between.
Francisco captures the art- “From that, he makes this
ist’s ability to use paintings, painting,” De Salvo said:
drawings, photographs “Ethel Scull 36 Times,” a
and other mediums to cre- brightly colored montage
ate buzz-worthy personas of images that anticipated
the way people do now us- modern-day selfies and Ins-
ing social media. tagram posts.
The idea of personal brand- “You feel each moment,”
ing, “of how we can be De Salvo said. “I think it’s re-
who we want to be,” was ally one of Warhol’s great
something Warhol was In this photo taken Wednesday, May 15, 2019, a woman records one of a series of self portraits at commissioned portraits.”
trading on more than a the exhibition, “Andy Warhol _ From A to B and Back Again”, in San Francisco. Warhol went on to do hun-
half-century ago, said Don- Associated Press dreds of portraits. They pro-
na De Salvo, deputy direc- creations — depictions of Gary Garrels, Elise S. Haas rooms, particularly the por- vide a window into his so-
tor for international initia- Campbell’s soup cans and senior curator of painting traits, we really conceptu- cial network, which includ-
tives and senior curator at Brillo boxes, for instance, and sculpture for the San alized it in a way of thinking ed friends, family members,
New York’s Whitney Muse- and silkscreen portraits of Francisco museum. about Facebook,” she said. lovers, musicians, actors,
um of American Art, where Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn The show’s title comes from Warhol’s understanding athletes and world leaders.
the exhibit originated . “He Monroe, Elvis Presley and Warhol’s 1975 memoir in of the power of images to De Salvo also notes the
had a real understanding others — along with lesser- which he touches on key create identity and aura “multiplicity of images” in
of something about Ameri- known pieces from his early themes from his work, such can be traced to his early Warhol’s work.
can culture, which is now and later years. It next trav- as celebrity, money and years, after he moved to “This is where he’s such a
more global.” els to the Art Institute of Chi- love. The artist died in 1987 New York in 1949 and got a genius of permutation —
“Andy Warhol — From A to cago. at age 58. job as a commercial illustra- that he could create so
B and Back Again” opened “Warhol is constantly la- De Salvo said the San tor. He did work for publica- many iterations of an im-
this week at the San Fran- beled a pop artist, but Francisco museum’s team tions such as Mademoiselle age in an analog way,
cisco Museum of Modern all that happened within “really enlightened me in and Glamour magazine. where now there’s a soft-
Art and runs through Sept. three or four years, and terms of thinking about “That idea of marketing ware program to do that,”
2. It includes more than 300 then he moved on and Warhol through the lens of and all the things we take she said. “There’s so many
works spanning Warhol’s the work goes quite dark social media.” for granted was just some- different ways. There’s a
40-year career. and explores questions of It’s a common thread thing Warhol was immersed ‘Warholizer.’ He so antici-
The show features some gender and sexual identity, throughout the show. in,” De Salvo said. “And pated what technology
of the artist’s most iconic fame, subcultures,” said “When you see some of the he was just such a sponge would bring about.”q
Overwatch League commissioner leaving to work on Fortnite
By JAKE SEINER Esports Leagues. the Esports Live Event of the
AP Sports Writer Nanzer was integral in Year at the Esports Awards
Overwatch League Com- launching the Overwatch in November. The league’s
missioner Nate Nanzer is League, a global endeav- initial investors included
leaving the competitive or with franchises in 20 cities professional sports owners
video game circuit to over- across Asia, North America like the New England Patri-
see esports competition and Europe that compete ots’ Robert Kraft, New York
for Fortnite publisher Epic in the 6 vs. 6 first-person Mets’ Jeff Wilpon and Los
Games. computer game. Nanzer Angeles Rams’ Stan Kroen-
Nanzer tweeted he will be was working in Blizzard’s ke, and the league had un-
moving on from Activision marketing department precedented success pull-
Blizzard, the company be- when he hatched the idea ing in non-endemic spon-
hind the Overwatch game for the league, and he has sorships to the burgeoning
and league, for a “new op- been its only commissioner. industry.
portunity.” He didn’t pro- The Overwatch League’s The league is set to fulfill
vide further details or a firm In this July 28, 2018, file photo, fans watch the competition first season was a smash- Nanzer’s ultimate vision by
between the Philadelphia Fusion and the London Spitfire during
timeline except to say he’ll the Overwatch League Grand Finals, at Barclays Center in the ing success. It filled Brook- launching a global home-
be leaving “soon.” Epic Brooklyn borough of New York. lyn’s Barclays Center for a and-away format next sea-
Games told ESPN they had Associated Press two-night championship in son. The majority of its regu-
agreed to hire Nanzer, who game into a sustainable es- zer will be replaced by Pete July, becoming the first live lar season matches so far
will try to help to turn the port. Vlastelica, President and esport broadcast in prime have been held in Southern
world’s most popular video Activision Blizzard says Nan- CEO of Activision Blizzard time on ESPN and winning California. q