P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 28 May 2019
            Bong d’Or: Korean director wins Cannes’ top prize

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       by a fundamentalist imam.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  third-place  jury  prize,
            CANNES,  France  (AP)  —                                                                                            presented    by   Michael
            South Korean director Bong                                                                                          Moore,  was  split  between
            Joon-ho’s  raucous  social                                                                                          two socially conscious thrill-
            satire  “Parasite,”  about  a                                                                                       ers: The French director Ladj
            poor family of hustlers who                                                                                         Ly’s feature-film debut “Les
            find  jobs  with  a  wealthy                                                                                        Miserables”  and  Brazilian
            family,  won  the  Cannes                                                                                           director  Kleber  Mendonça
            Film  Festival’s  top  award,                                                                                       Filho’s “Bacurau.”
            the  Palme  d’Or,  on  Satur-                                                                                       Ly  has  called  his  film  an
            day.                                                                                                                alarm  bell  about  youths
            The win for “Parasite” marks                                                                                        living  in  the  housing  proj-
            the first Korean film to ever                                                                                       ects of Paris’ suburbs. Filho
            win the Palme. In the festi-                                                                                        viewed  his  feverish,  violent
            val’s closing ceremony, jury                                                                                        Western about a rural Bra-
            president Alejandro Inarritu                                                                                        zilian  community  defend-
            said the choice had been                                                                                            ing  itself  from  a  hard-to-
            “unanimous”  for  the  nine-                                                                                        comprehend invasion as a
            person jury.                                                                                                        reflection  of  President  Jair
            The    genre-mixing    film,                                                                                        Bolsonaro’s Brazil.
            Bong’s  seventh,  had  ar-                                                                                          British  actress  Emily  Bee-
            guably    been    celebrat-  Director Bong Joon-ho poses with the Palme d’Or award for the film ‘Parasite’ during a photo call   cham won best actress for
            ed  more  than  others  at   following the awards ceremony at the 72nd international film festival, Cannes, southern France,   her performance in Jessica
            Cannes this year, hailed by   Saturday, May 25, 2019.                                                               Hausner’s   science-fiction
            critics as the best yet from                                                                       Associated Press  drama “Little Joe.” The jury
            the  49-year-old  director  of  ent  genres,  speaking  in  a  crisis  from  the  perspective  Chen Kaige’s “Farewell My  also  gave  a  special  men-
            “Snowpiercer” and “Okja.”    funny,  humorous  and  ten-  of  Senegalese  women  left  Concubine.”                  tion  to  Palestinian  director
            “It’s  the  100th  anniversary  der  way  of  no  judgement  behind  after  many  young  Best actor went to Antonio  Elia  Suleiman’s  “It  Must  Be
            of  the  cinema  in  Korea  of  something  so  relevant  men  flee  by  sea  to  Spain.  Banderas  for  Pedro  Almo-  Heaven.”
            this  year.  To  celebrate  the  and urgent and so global,”  Sylvester  Stallone  present-  dovar’s  reflective  drama  The  Camera  d’Or,  an
            100th  anniversary  of  the  Inarritu  told  reporters  after  ed the honor.           “Pain  and  Glory.”  In  the  award  given  for  best  first
            Korean cinema, I think the  the ceremony.                 Although   few    quibbled  film, one of the most broad-  feature  from  across  all  of
            Cannes Film Festival has of-  Many of the awards on Sat-  with  the  choice  of  “Para-  ly acclaimed of the festival,  Cannes’  sections,  went  to
            fered me a very great gift,”  urday were given to social  site,”  some  had  expected  Banderas  plays  a  fictional-  César Díaz’s “Our Mothers,”
            Bong  told  reporters  after  and  political  stories  that  Cannes to make history by  ized  version  of  Almodovar  a drama about the Guate-
            the ceremony.                depicted  geopolitical  dra-  giving  the  Palme  to  a  fe-  looking back on his life and  malan civil war in the 1980s.
            It  was  the  second  straight  mas in localized tales, from  male filmmaker for just the  career.                  The    ceremony      Satur-
            Palme  victory  for  an  Asian  African shores to Paris sub-  second time. Celine Sciam-  “The  best  is  still  to  come,”  day  brought  to  a  close  a
            director.  Last  year,  the  urbs.                        ma’s period romance “Por-    said  Banderas,  accepting  Cannes  Film  Festival  riven
            award  went  to  Japanese  The festival’s second place  trait of a Lady on Fire” was  the award.                    by concerns for its own rel-
            filmmaker  Hirokazu  Kore-   award,  the  Grand  Prize,  the  Palme  pick  for  many  The Belgian brothers Jean-    evancy. It had to contend,
            eda’s  “Shoplifters,”  also  a  went  to  French-Senega-  critics  this  year.  Instead,  Pierre  and  Luc  Dardenne,  most  formidably,  with  the
            compassionate      parable  lese  director  Mati  Diop’s  Sciamma  ended  up  with  who  have  already  twice  cultural force of “Game of
            about  an  impoverished  feature-film  debut,  “Atlan-    best screenplay.             won  the  Palme  d’Or,  took  Thrones,”  which  conclud-
            family.                      tics.”  The  film  by  Diop,  the  In the festival’s 72-year his-  the  best  director  prize  for  ed  during  the  festival.  The
            “We shared the mystery of  first  black  female  direc-   tory,  only  Jane  Campion  “Young Ahmed,” their por-     continuing rise of streaming
            the  unexpected  way  this  tor  ever  in  competition  in  has  won  the  prize  in  1993  trait  of  Muslim  teenager  was also a constant subject
            film  took  us  through  differ-  Cannes, views the migrant  for  “The  Piano,”  tying  with  who  becomes  radicalized  around Cannes.q

               New novel ‘Love Actually’ meets the horoscopes

               By RASHA MADKOUR                                       story  of  Justine  and  Nick,  Aquarius entries to nudge  a  Skype  relationship  with
               Associated Press                                       astrology skeptic and be-   Nick into realizing his feel-  someone  on  the  other
               “Star-Crossed:  A  Novel”                              liever,  childhood  friends  ings for her.              side of the world.
               (Crown), by Minnie Darke                               who  recently  reunited.  Needless to say, it doesn’t  It  also  includes  a  terrier/
               A  journalist  once  consid-                           Justine is baffled by Nick’s  quite  work  out  as  she  in-  frequent  animal  shelter
               ered  adjusting  her  news-                            faith  in  his  horoscope:  “I  tends.                  escapee    whose     inner
               paper’s   horoscope    to                              just  think  that  if  you  want  What  follows  is  a  “Love  thoughts readers are privy
               help  an  astrology-devot-                             to play Romeo, you should  Actually”-esque  menag-      to, to this reader’s dismay.
               ed friend.                                             play Romeo.                 erie  of  interconnected  The way their tales all sat-
               She didn’t do it, but in her                           You  don’t  have  to  twist  characters  and  subplots.  isfyingly tie together in the
               new  novel,  Minnie  Darke                             the  words  of  some  star-  The colorful figures include  end  brings  to  mind  the
               imagines  what  happens                                gazing nut to give yourself  a  jilted  singer-songwriter;  butterfly effect — the way
               when  her  lovesick  pro-                              permission.”                a   divorced   oncologist  small events can have sig-
               tagonist acts on the same                              When  she  later  gains  ac-  dating a male midwife; a  nificant consequences.
               impulse she had.                                       cess  to  the  horoscopes  widow  with  an  extensive  In  all,  “Star-Crossed”  is  a
               The  result  is  an  escapist   This cover image released by   at  the  newspaper  where  collection  of  commemo-  light, fun read, with a cre-
                                           Crown  shows  “Star-Crossed:
               delight.                    A Novel” by Minnie Darke.   she  works,  Justine  gets  rative  Charles  and  Diana  ative  spin  on  a  winning
               “Star-Crossed”  tells  the            Associated Press  the idea to tinker with the  wedding  china  who  is  in  rom-com formula.q
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