P. 30

                       Tuesday 28 May 2019
            Egerton glitters in glossy, conventional ‘Rocketman’

            By JAKE COYLE                Almost   slavishly   sealed                                                            ness.  On  the  whole,  this  is
            Associated Press             within the hermetic bubble                                                             a  more-or-less  true,  autho-
            Whatever  you  say  about  of the rock biopic, “Rocket-                                                             rized  account  (John  is  an
            Dexter  Fletcher’s  glossy,  man”  will,  justifiably,  draw                                                        executive  producer),  but
            glittering   Elton    John  plenty  of  comparisons  to                                                             one that frequently breaks
            blinged-out  biopic  “Rock-  its opening act: last year’s                                                           free of stubborn things like
            etman ,” a shiny sequin of  Freddie  Mercury  tale  “Bo-                                                            chronology and gravity. In
            a movie, it doesn’t lack for  hemian Rhapsody.” They’re                                                             one scene, John — whom
            sparkle. Like its flamboyant  both about larger-than-life                                                           rock  critic  Robert  Christ-
            subject, it’s a movie outfit-  figures,  each  gay  icons,                                                          gau once referred to as a
            ted  to  the  nines  in  dazzle  with  a  preternatural  talent                                                     “one-man zeitgeist” — him-
            and verve, even if it’s got-  for  hooks  and  spectacle.                                                           self  rockets  from  an  arena
            ten all dressed up with no-  Fletcher  also  helped  steer                                                          stage  into  the  night  sky
            where  to  go  but  the  most  “Bohemian    Rhapsody,”                                                              and explodes as a firework.
            conventional places.         subbing  for  the  departed                                                            “Rocketman”  has  every  fi-
                                                                                                                                ber of its being committed
                                                                                                                                to burnishing the legend of
                                                                                                                                Sir Elton: literally an explod-
                                                                      This image released by Paramount Pictures shows Taron Egerton   ing star.
                                                                      as Elton John in a scene from “Rocketman.”                “Where  there  was  dark-
                                                                                                               Associated Press  ness, there is now you, Elton
                                                                      Bryan Singer. The two mov-   depiction  of  its  star’s  ho-  John,” the devilish Reid tells
                                                                      ies  even  share  a  villain  in  mosexuality and, most dra-  him,  shortly  before  John
                                                                      music  manager  John  Reid  matically, in casting John’s  becomes an $87 million-a-
                                                                      (Aiden Gillen in “Bohemian  life across a fantastical mu-  year industry.
                                                                      Rhapsody,”  Richard  Mad-    sical tapestry. It’s also quite  Working  from  a  script  by
                                                                      den here).                   definitely  a  better  movie  Lee  Hall,  Fletcher  zooms
                                                                      And  Elton,  like  Freddie,  — although one still stuffed  through  John’s  life,  finding
                                                                      churned  out  unassailable,  to the gills with clichés and  trap  doors  in  his  past  that
                                                                      everlasting  earworms  sung  heavily  dependent  on  the  fall  into  lavish  song-and-
                                                                      round  the  world.  Favor-   sheer  toe-tap-ability  of  its  dance  routines.  There’s
                                                                      ing melody over meaning,  star’s extensive back cata-     some  “Rocket  Man”  on  a
                                                                      the  uplifting  music  of  both  log and its lead performer.  toy piano as a toddler and
                                                                      comes  big-screen  ready.  Here, that’s Taron Egerton,  a  “Saturday  Night’s  Alright
                                                                      Their songs were movies, in  who    doesn’t   especially  for  Fighting”  at  a  carnival,
                                                                      Technicolor. Just as “Bohe-  look  like  John  or  sound  for  a  reason  that  eluded
                                                                      mian Rhapsody” can glide  like  John,  but  he  gives  a  me. The next song is rarely
                                                                      over  the  origins  of  “Scara-  star-making  performance  more  than  a  few  minutes
                                                                      mouche,”  we  need  no  in-  built  on  charisma  and  will.  away. Frequently, “Rocket-
                                                                      vestigations  into  why  that  Egerton gives it his all, and  man” feels like an ad for a
                                                                      dancer was so tiny.          if there’s one quality that’s  jukebox Broadway musical.
                                                                      “Rocketman”  deviates  in  most  essential  in  an  Elton  This is a movie yearning for
                                                                      its rating (R), its less hesitant  John  movie,  it’s  spirited-  the stage.q
                                                                      Justin Townes Earle sings the blues

                                                                      on fine album

                                                                      By STEVEN WINE                                            ly  lament  “Talking  to  My-
                                                                      Associated Press                                          self”).  But  not  everything
                                                                      Justin  Townes  Earle,  “The                              is  a  downer  —  “Mornings
                                                                      Saint of Lost Causes” (New                                in  Memphis”  finds  beauty
                                                                      West) Justin Townes Earle is                              in  the  moment,  and  “Say
                                                                      feeling bad, and his music                                Baby”  is  a  spirited  two-
                                                                      has never been better.                                    chord  come-on.  Earle’s
                                                                      On  “The  Saint  of  Lost                                 backstory  includes  a  no-
                                                                      Causes,”  Earle  inhabits  a                              madic  youth,  delinquency
                                                                      range  of  doleful,  down-                                and  addiction,  and  he
                                                                      cast  characters  who  span                               convincingly  fills  the  roles
                                                                      our  troubled  land,  from   This cover image released by   he has created. He’s in fine
                                                                      the  cop  killer  on  “Appala-  New West Records shows “The   voice,  with  a  mix  of  verve
                                                                      chian  Nightmare”  to  the   Saint of Lost Causes,” by Justin   and  vulnerability  and  the
                                                                      teen trying to escape bleak   Townes Earle.               phrasing  of  a  great  story-
                                                                      circumstances  on  “Over                Associated Press  teller.  The  excellent  sup-
                                                                      Alameda.”    There’s   also  a  blues  shuffle  (“Ain’t  Got  porting cast is led by bassist
                                                                      considerable  range  to  the  No  Money”)  and  12-bar  Adam  Bednarik,  who  co-
                                                                      music, but it all comes from  swing  (“Pacific  Northwest-  produced  with  Earle,  and
                                                                      the  same  wellspring.  Earle  ern Blues”).               guitarist Joe V. McMahan.
                                                                      does country blues (“Don’t  The  titles  tell  the  tale,  and  The state of the union is not
                                                                      Drink  the  Water”),  jump  there’s pain from start (the  pretty,  but  it  has  inspired
                                                                      blues (“Flint City Shake It”),  title cut) to finish (the lone-  Earle’s best album.q
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