P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 28 May 2019

            Watch your credit card rewards pile up with these 5 tips

            By ROBIN SAKS FRANKEL                                                                                               4.  BUY  DISCOUNTED  GIFT
            Associated Press                                                                                                    CARDS TO THE PLACES YOU
            Just because summer’s ap-                                                                                           SHOP
            proaching  doesn’t  mean                                                                                            Gift  cards  remain  popu-
            your  wallet  gets  a  vaca-                                                                                        lar:  45%  of  respondents  in
            tion. From graduation sea-                                                                                          NRF’s  2019  Mother’s  Day
            son and Father’s Day to the                                                                                         Spending  Survey  said  they
            Fourth of July and back-to-                                                                                         were planning to purchase
            school spending, you’ll like-                                                                                       them.
            ly drop some dollars.                                                                                               There are two approaches
            Rewards-earning      credit                                                                                         to  saving  money  via  gift
            cards  can  help  you  save                                                                                         cards.  First,  you  can  buy
            on  these  expenses  —  but                                                                                         them at a place where you
            you  can  also  combine                                                                                             already  earn  elevated  re-
            those  rewards  with  other                                                                                         wards for shopping. For ex-
            money-saving strategies to                                                                                          ample, if you have a card
            help you hang on to even                                                                                            that  pays  high  rewards  on
            more of your cash.                                                                                                  supermarket     purchases,
            Here  are  five  such  “stack-                                                                                      pick up a gift card for your
            ing”  strategies  for  your                                                                                         favorite retailer while you’re
            credit card.                                                                                                        getting  those  groceries.
            1.  CHECK  YOUR  ACCOUNT                                                                                            You’ll  earn  the  same  high
            FOR OFFERS                                                                                                          rewards  as  you  would  on
            Some  card  issuers  have    In this Jan. 31, 2018, file photo, an assortment of credit cards and rewards cards are shown in   your milk, eggs and bread.
            online  bonus  malls  —  ac-  Zelienople, Pa.                                                                       Your other option is to use a
            cessible  via  account  login                                                                      Associated Press  rewards credit card to buy
            —  that  offer  discounts  or  dozens  of  retailers,  includ-  Federation  .  Signing  up  to  WITH A CASH-BACK CARD  gift  cards  through  an  ex-
            higher  rewards  rates  at  ing many brick-and-mortar  receive  a  retailer’s  emails  Cash-back sites like Ebates,  change  site  like  GiftCard-
            hundreds of merchants, on  merchants,  although  you  can be one way to get free  TopCashBack  or  BeFrugal  Granny  or  Raise,  where
            top  of  what  your  card  al-  must opt in by “adding” the  shipping,  at  least  on  your  function  much  like  online  people sell their unwanted
            ready earns.                 offer to your card.          first  purchase.  (Note  that  bonus malls, but they’re not  gift  cards  at  a  lower-than-
            “I recently bought new out-  2. SIGN UP FOR A RETAILER’S  retailers  charge  different  tied to any particular card  face-value  price.  You’ll
            door  furniture  and  a  gas  EMAIL LIST                  prices for shipping and may  issuer.                      save on the card itself, plus
            firepit,  and  I  logged  into  Ever had a salesperson of-  not  add  that  cost  to  your  When you join one of these  you’ll  get  a  percentage
            Chase, clicked through the  fer  you  a  discount  on  the  total until it’s in your cart.)  portals and log in, you’ll see  back  on  the  purchase  via
            portal  to  Lowe’s,  and  got  spot  if  you  sign  up  for  the  Another  way  to  dodge  hundreds  of  participating  your rewards card.
            an extra 3 points per dollar  store’s  credit  card?  Simi-  shipping  charges:  Buy  on-  retailers, as well as the per-  5.  TRACK  PRICES  ACROSS
            spent,” says Holly Johnson,  larly, when you’re shopping  line,  preferably  through  centage  back  that  those  DIFFERENT SELLERS
            founder  of  Club  Thrifty  ,  a  online, many stores will offer  an  online  bonus  mall,  and  retailers  offer  for  shopping  Before you shop with a spe-
            personal finance blog ded-   you a percentage off your  pick  up  in  store.  This  may  through  that  portal.  Click  cific  retailer  through  a  bo-
            icated to saving money.      first order if you sign up for  also  require  you  to  submit  on the offer you want, and  nus mall or cash-back site,
            You  can  also  check  for  an  email  list,  so  snag  that  your email address and be  you’ll  be  directed  to  that  it pays to compare. Consid-
            one-time  or  limited-time  discount on top of your nor-  added to a mailing list. But  merchant’s   website   to  er  using  tracking  tools  like
            promotions  that  are  spe-  mal credit card rewards.     agreeing to receive corre-   shop.                        CamelCamelCamel, which
            cific  to  your  card.  Chase  Or maybe it’s free shipping  spondence  from  a  retailer  You’ll  get  a  percentage  focuses on Amazon prices,
            Offers  and  AmEx  Offers,  you want. Seventy-five per-   is much easier than signing  back on your purchase by  or  sites  like  PriceGrabber
            for  example,  are  visible  to  cent of consumers now ex-  up for a store card. If those  using  your  rewards  card  and  Google  Shopping  to
            eligible  cardholders  when  pect it even on orders be-   emails  start  getting  over-  and an additional percent-  see which retailer is offering
            logged in. They feature dis-  low $50, according to a re-  whelming, just unsubscribe.  age  back  from  shopping  what  you’re  looking  for  at
            counts or bonus rewards at  port by the National Retail  3.  USE  CASH-BACK  SITES  through the portal.             the lowest price.q
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