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                        Monday 3 June 2019

            5 injured in Venice as cruise ship slams into tourist boat

                                                                                                                                the  river  cruise  boat  that
                                                                                                                                the  big  ship  crashed  into.
                                                                                                                                They could have all died,”
                                                                                                                                she said.
                                                                                                                                She  said  the  cruise  ship
                                                                                                                                could    have      plowed
                                                                                                                                through  the  concrete  em-
                                                                                                                                bankment and “hit houses,
                                                                                                                                monuments and crowds of
                                                                                                                                “The  port  authority,  the
                                                                                                                                government  ministers,  the
                                                                                                                                other institutions have often
                                                                                                                                tried  to  ridicule  the  resis-
                                                                                                                                tance  movement  against
                                                                                                                                the cruise ships, saying that
                                                                                                                                an accident like this could
                                                                                                                                never  occur,”  she  added.
                                                                                                                                “The government shouldn’t
                                                                                                                                be  so  weak  in  giving  in  to
                                                                                                                                the  pressure  of  the  lobby
                                                                                                                                groups,  like  the  cruise  ship
                                                                                                                                The  collision  came  four
                                                                                                                                days after a river cruise ship
                                                                                                                                collided with a sightseeing
                                                                                                                                boat carrying South Korean
            A partial view of the damaged prow of the MSC Opera cruise ship, moored at the Venice harbor, Italy, Sunday, June 2, 2019.   tourists in Hungary’s capital,
                                                                                                               Associated Press  killing seven and leaving 21
            By  CAIN  BURDEAU  and  the  Giudecca  Canal,  with  The  cruise  ship’s  owner,  heard saying. An investiga-       others missing.
            LUCA BRUNO                   a  tugboat  near  which  MSC  Cruises,  said  the  ves-   tion was launched.           Not  everyone  in  Venice  is
            Associated Press             seemed  like  it  couldn’t  do  sel was about to dock at a  The collision froze boat traf-  opposed to the cruise ships.
            VENICE, Italy (AP) — A tow-  anything,” she said.         passenger terminal in Ven-   fic  in  the  busy  canal,  and   Pasqualin, the woman who
            ering,  out-of-control  cruise  She described the ship “ad-  ice when it had a mechani-  forced another MSC cruise   witnessed   the   collision,
            ship  rammed  into  a  dock  vancing slowly but inevita-  cal problem.                 ship  to  drop  anchors  in   counted  herself  among
            and a tourist riverboat on a  bly towards the dock.” She  Two  tugboats  guiding  the  front  of  the  historic  city  as   those  prior  to  Sunday’s
            busy Venice canal on Sun-    said  “the  bow  of  the  ship  cruise ship into Venice tried  it waited for the damaged   crash.
            day  morning,  injuring  five  crashed hard into the bank  to stop the MSC Opera, but  vessels to be removed.       “I’ve  always  been  positive
            people,  officials  said.  The  with  its  massive  weight  they  were  unable  to  pre-  Coincidentally, this famous   about the ships, but I have
            collision  sparked  new  calls  crushing  a  big  piece  of  it.  vent  it  from  ramming  into  maritime  city  on  Sunday   to  admit  I’ve  started  to
            for  placing  restrictions  on  Sirens  were  wailing  loud-  the riverboat.           was  celebrating  an  an-    change my mind now, be-
            cruise  ships  in  the  famed  ly;  it  was  a  very  dramatic  “The two tugboats tried to  cient  tradition  called  the   cause this was a tragic, ter-
            city.                        scene.”                      stop  the  giant  and  then  a  “Marriage  of  the  Sea,”   rible and dramatic scene,”
            The crash happened about  When        the   cruise   ship  tow  cable  broke,  cut  by  which features processions   she said.
            8:30 a.m. (0630 GMT) on the  rammed     the   riverboat,  the  collision  with  the  river-  of boats.              Italian officials said the colli-
            Giudecca  Canal,  a  major  she  said  the  smaller  vessel  boat,”  Davide  Calderan,  But  the  crash  forced  parts   sion underscored the need
            thoroughfare  that  leads  looked  like  it  was  “made  president of a tugboat as-    of  the  celebration  to  be   to  ban  cruise  ships  from
            to  St.  Mark’s  Square  in  the  of  plastic  or  paper”  rather  sociation  in  Venice,  told  canceled, Italian media re-  using  the  busy  Giudecca
            northeastern Italian city.   than steel.                  the  Italian  news  agency  ported.                       Canal,  but  they  stopped
            The  MSC  Opera  cruise  Local  officials  said  five  ANSA.                           Following the collision, calls   short of calling for a ban on
            ship,  apparently  unable  women  aboard  the  river-     Calderan  said  the  cruise  for  banning  cruise  ships   cruise ships.
            to  stop,  blared  its  horn  as  boat  were  injured.  They  ship’s  engine  was  locked  in  Venice,  long  a  source   “Today’s  accident  in  the
            it  slammed  into  the  much  said  one  was  released  im-  when  the  captain  called  of  contention  in  the  over-  port of Venice proves that
            smaller   River   Countess  mediately  from  a  hospital,  for help.                   extended tourist city, were   cruise  ships  shouldn’t  be
            boat and the dock as doz-    while  four  others  were  ad-  Italian  media  posted  an  renewed.                   allowed  to  pass  down  the
            ens  of  people  ran  away  vised to remain under med-    audio clip of the MSC Op-    For many, the crash served   Giudecca  anymore,”  said
            in  panic.  In  videos  of  the  ical care for a few days.  era’s pilot telling emergen-  as  a  wake-up  call.  Oppo-  Danilo Toninelli, Italy’s trans-
            crash,  people  were  seen  Earlier,  medical  authori-   cy officials that the ship ex-  nents  say  cruise  ships  are   port  minister.  “After  many
            rushing  to  disembark  from  ties said four of the women  perienced a loss of controls  out-of-scale  for  Venice,   years  of  inertia,  we  are  fi-
            the moored riverboat over  —  an  American,  a  New  and “activated all the pro-       cause  pollution,  endanger   nally close to a solution to
            a short gangplank, and at  Zealander  and  two  Aus-      cedures  to  avoid  what  in  the  lagoon’s  ecosystem    protect  both  the  lagoon
            least two people were left  tralians  between  the  ages  the end happened, which  and a danger.                    and tourism.”
            caught on the walkway as  of  67  and  72  —  were  in-   was an impact.”              “Obviously,  we’ve  seen     The MSC Opera was built in
            the  vessel  was  dislodged  jured  falling  or  trying  to  On an audio clip, the pilot  today  that  our  worst  fears   2004. It can carry over 2,675
            from the pier.               run  away  when  the  cruise  said anchors were dropped  have  come  true,”  said      passengers in 1,071 cabins.
            Elisabetta  Pasqualin  was  ship rammed into the River  and  that  tugboats  con-      Jane Da Mosto, an environ-   According  to  its  sailing
            watering plants on her ter-  Countess.                    nected  to  the  ship’s  bow  mental scientist and execu-  schedule,  it  left  Venice  on
            race when she heard warn-    Venice  is  a  tremendously  and  stern  took  maneuvers  tive director of We Are Here   May  26  and  traveled  to
            ing sirens and stepped out  popular site for both tourists  to stop the ship.          Venice.  Her  group  backs   Kotor,  Montenegro,  and
            to see the crash.            and cruise ships, especially  “Here  on  the  bridge,  we  efforts  to  ban  cruise  ships   Mykonos,   Santorini   and
            “There  was  this  huge  ship  during  the  summer  tourist  don’t   understand   what  from Venice.                Corfu in Greece before re-
            in  a  diagonal  position  in  season.                    happened,”  the  pilot  is  “There were 111 people on     turning Sunday to Venice.q
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