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CLASSIFIED Monday 9 SepteMber 2019
In a twist, Colorado asks EPA HEALTH
to lower state's air rating DOCTOR ON DUTY
By DAN ELLIOTT FOR SALE Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Associated Press Divi Studio Tel. 527 4000
DENVER (AP) — Colorado wk 35 8/31 dutch Village rm 128
buy $2,650
took the unusual step of in- San Nicolas
viting the U.S. Environmen- divi Golf wk 35 8/31, unit 4201, IMSAN 24 Hours
start $2,650
tal Protection Agency to Tel.524 8833
downgrade the air quality e-mail: Women in Difficulties
or call 508-651-0016
rating of the state's biggest PHARMACY ON DUTY
population center, and not _________________________________211687 Oranjestad:
everyone thinks that was a Dakota Tel. 588 7364
good idea. San Nicolas:
San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
The EPA held a hearing Fri- Women in Difficulties
day on whether to lower OTHER
the ozone status of Denver Dental Clinic 587 9850
and eight other northern Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Colorado counties from In this Jan. 21, 2003, file photograph, vehicles head inbound on Urgent Care 586 0448
"moderate" to "serious." South Broadway as polluted air obscures the view of the skyline Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
of Denver from the south suburb of Englewood, Colo.
That would force the state Associated Press +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
to work harder to reduce EMERGENCY
harmful pollution but also early deaths from respira- said. Polis' predecessor,
bring tougher and costly tory disease. It's the main Democratic Gov. John Police 100
regulations for businesses. component of smog, and Hickenlooper — who end- Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
The agency expects to it's created from pollution ed his presidential bid last Sta. Cruz 527 2900
decide by the end of the emitted by vehicles, indus- month and is now running San Nicolas 584 5000
year. The EPA acted after tries, solvents and other for the U.S. Senate — had Police Tipline 11141
Democratic Gov. Jared sources. asked for the exemption Ambulancia 911
Polis said in March that Clean-air advocates wel- based on data showing Fire Dept. 115
Colorado would no longer comed Polis' decision to that pollution elsewhere Red Cross 582 2219
ask for an exemption from pull the state's request for and forest fire smoke from TAXI SERVICES
EPA standards by claiming an exemption. other states had pushed Taxi Tas 587 5900
some of the pollution was "It's a big deal," said Chris- Colorado over the limit, Prof. Taxi 588 0035
drifting into the state from tine Berg, Colorado field Seby said. Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
elsewhere. consultant for Moms Clean "Gov. Polis came into office Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
It's time to stop "sugar- Air Force. "We know ozone and the exact opposite A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
coating" Colorado's air pollution is particularly came about," Seby said. Women in Difficulties
problems, he said last harmful for children." "The data didn't change, TRAVEL INFO
month. "Moving to 'seri- At Friday's hearing, sev- the science didn't change Aruba Airport 524 2424
ous' status finally helps us eral people told the EPA — except for the politics." American Airlines 582 2700
stop sweeping our air qual- they blame ozone for their Seby said hundreds of Avianca 588 0059
ity crisis under the rug and health problems. businesses and institutions Jet Blue 588 2244
gives us additional tools to "I'm someone who nev- could be affected if Colo- Surinam 582 7896
move urgently to make our er used to have breath- rado's air rating is down-
air cleaner," he said. ing problems," said Marie graded: oil and gas drilling, Women in Difficulties
But business groups say Venner, who lives in the refineries, large brewer- CRUISES
the state's own data shows Denver suburb of Lake- ies, print shops, wastewa-
Colorado would meet EPA wood. Now, it sometimes ter treatment plants and
standards if not for pollution hurts to take a breath, she hospitals.q
from other states and even
other continents. Lowering
the air rating would hurt September 10
the economy by increas- Freedom of the Seas
September 11
ing the cost of doing busi- Monarch
ness, they say. Women in Difficulties
"We're talking about tens of AID FOUNDATIONS
millions of dollars in direct
and indirect costs," Paul FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
Seby, an attorney repre-
senting Defend Colorado, Alcoholics Anonymous
said in an interview before Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
the hearing. Defend Colo- Tel. 583 8989
rado advocates for busi- Women in Difficulties
ness and industry on state Tel. 583 5400
and federal regulation. Centre for Diabetes
Denver and the northern Tel. 524 8888
Colorado urban corridor Child Abuse Prevention
have struggled to meet Tel. 582 4433
EPA ozone standards for Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
15 years. Ground-level General Info
ozone can aggravate
asthma and contribute to Phone Directory Tel. 118