P. 10

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
            Clashes undermine fragile truce over Jerusalem holy site

            By ILAN BEN ZION                                                                                                    so that they would conflict
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with  normal  visiting  hours.
            JERUSALEM (AP) — It wasn't                                                                                          Soon thereafter the clashes
            inevitable that the overlap                                                                                         erupted, wounding at least
            of  Jewish  and  Muslim  holi-                                                                                      14  Palestinians  and  four  Is-
            days would lead to clashes                                                                                          raeli police.
            at a Jerusalem site deeply                                                                                          ___
            revered by both faiths.                                                                                             A 'SHARED SITE'
            But when rumors circulated                                                                                          For  decades,  most  rabbis
            that Israeli police would al-                                                                                       forbade  Jews  from  visiting
            low Jews to visit the hilltop                                                                                       the  site  altogether,  but  a
            compound  during  Muslim                                                                                            growing  cadre  of  religious
            prayers,  it  appeared  to                                                                                          nationalist  rabbis  have  en-
            many  Palestinians  that  Is-                                                                                       dorsed visiting the holy site
            rael  was  further  chipping                                                                                        and  their  adherents  have
            away at their claims to the                                                                                         flocked there in increasing
            site.                                                                                                               numbers in recent years.
            As  demonstrators  massed                                                                                           The  number  of  Jewish  visi-
            at  the  gates  and  began                                                                                          tors  to  the  shrine  stood
            throwing  stones  at  the                                                                                           at  around  5,800  in  2010,
            police,  it  became  a  self-  Israeli police clashes with Palestinian worshippers at al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem,   but by 2018 had grown to
            fulfilling  prophecy.  After   Sunday, Aug 11, 2019.                                                                35,600, according to statis-
            an  outcry  by  right-wing                                                                         Associated Press  tics  released  by  Public  Se-
            Israeli  leaders,  the  police                                                                                      curity Minister Gilad Erdan.
            reversed  an  earlier  deci-  The holy site, known to Jews  estinian  violence.  But  sen-  move not recognized inter-  He  said  1,729  Jews  visited
            sion  to  bar  the  Jewish  visi-  as  the  Temple  Mount  and  sitivities are especially high  nationally,  and  views  the  the  site  on  Sunday,  com-
            tors and let them in, as stun  to  Muslims  as  the  Noble  at  the  moment,  with  the  whole city as its capital.  pared to 1,440 on the Ninth
            grenades echoed and tear  Sanctuary,  has  long  been  peace  process  a  distant  The  hilltop  shrine  is  man-   of  Av  in  2018,  adding  that
            gas filled the air.          a  flashpoint  for  Israeli-Pal-  memory  and  Israel  head-  aged  by  an  Islamic  trust  he would "continue to work
                                                                      ing to elections next month.  under  Jordanian  steward-  to  strengthen  Israeli  sover-
                                                                      In the current atmosphere,  ship, and day-to-day affairs  eignty on the Mount."
                                                                      even  the  smallest  per-    are  governed  by  informal  Jerusalem  District  police
                                                                      ceived changes to the sta-   understandings  with  Israel  chief  Doron  Yedid  said  it
                                                                      tus  of the site  —  the emo-  known  as  the  "status  quo."  was the Waqf that violated
                                                                      tional and symbolic center  The  Palestinians  fear  any  the status quo by delaying
                                                                      of the decades-old conflict  erosion  of  the  status  quo  the prayers. Police said the
                                                                      — can spark violence.        could  lead  to  an  Israeli  site  would  remain  closed
                                                                      A PERCEIVED THREAT           takeover or partition of the  to  non-Muslim  visitors  until
                                                                      The  compound  is  the  holi-  site.                      Thursday, following the end
                                                                      est  site  to  the  Jewish  peo-  According  to  those  rules,  of the Muslim holiday.
                                                                      ple and the third holiest in  Jews are allowed to visit the  "The  message  sent  to  the
                                                                      Islam,  after  Mecca  and  compound  during  certain  Palestinians and to the Mus-
              This  undated  image  made  from  a  video  provided  by  the   Medina.  It  was  the  site  of  times but are forbidden to  lim  worshippers  is:  'This  is  a
              IRGC/IRIB shows a ship in the Persian Gulf.             two  Jewish  temples  in  an-  pray there. The Islamic trust  shared site. Get used to it,'"
                                                   Associated Press   tiquity  and  is  the  home  of  overseeing the site, known  Seidemann said. "And that
              Iraq: Gulf Arab states                                  the  iconic  gold  Dome  of  as  the  Waqf,  said  it  was  is  a  significant  erosion  of
                                                                                                                                the traditional understand-
                                                                      the  Rock  and  the  al-Aqsa  unprecedented and unac-
              can secure Persian Gulf                                 Mosque.                      ceptable  to  allow  Jews  to  ings of the status quo."  the
                                                                      On  Sunday  morning,  tens  visit  during  a  major  Muslim  Azzam
              waters alone                                            of  thousands  of  Muslims  holiday.                      Waqf's  director,  said  Sun-
                                                                      flocked to the site to mark  "It  has  been  customary  day's  altercation  proved
                                                                      the  start  of  Eid  al-Adha,  that  on  Muslim  holidays,  that  "Israeli  ambitions  in
                                                                      a  Muslim  holiday  honor-   the site would be closed to  the mosque are not limited
              Associated Press           of  Hormuz,  where  Iran's   ing  the  time  God  stayed  non-Muslims  in  respect  for  to  the  extreme  right-wing
              BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Iraq's  recent  seizures  of  vessels   Abraham's hand after ask-  the  special  sanctity  of  the  groups,  but  also  to  the  Is-
              foreign  minister  says  Iraq  has  raised  tensions  with   ing him to sacrifice his son.  days,"  said  Daniel  Seide-  raeli government."
              and  Gulf  Arab  states  the West.                      Hundreds of Israeli religious  mann, founder of Terrestrial  Israeli Prime Minister Benja-
              don't  need  foreign  pow-  The U.S. wants an interna-  nationalists also showed up  Jerusalem,  a  group  that  min Netanyahu has repeat-
              ers  to  secure  navigation  tional  coalition  to  moni-  in  observance  of  Ninth  of  tracks developments in the  edly  said  he  has  no  inten-
              in the Persian Gulf as that  tor and potentially escort   Av,  when  Jews  mourn  the  holy city.                 tion of changing the status
              would  only  increase  re-  commercial  ships  there.   destruction  of  the  temples  "That basically was violated  quo,  despite  calls  from  his
              gional tensions.           Britain  said  last  week  it   and other historical calami-  for  the  first  time  when  Je-  right-wing allies for expand-
              Mohammed        al-Hakim  would  join  the  mission;    ties.  The  site  is  located  in  rusalem  Day  and  the  final  ed access.
              tweeted Monday that re-    no  other  U.S.  allies  have   east  Jerusalem,  which  Is-  days  of  Ramadan  over-  That has left him vulnerable
              gional states are capable  committed themselves so      rael  seized  along  with  the  lapped  (in  June),  and  it  on the issue as he seeks to
              of  securing  the  strategic  far.                      West  Bank  and  Gaza  in  happened  again  yester-       secure  an  unprecedented
              waterway themselves.       Al-Hakim  stressed  Israel's   the  1967  Mideast  war.  The  day," he said.
                                                                                                                                fourth  consecutive  term
              Al-Hakim's  tweet  was  in  participation  in  such  a   Palestinians want those ter-  In response, the Waqf said  in  office  in  elections  next
              response to efforts by the  mission  was  unaccept-     ritories  to  form  their  future  it  took  the  "exceptional  month,  which  were  called
              Trump  administration  to  able.  It's  not  clear  if  Is-  state,  with  east  Jerusalem  decision"  to  delay  morn-  after he failed to form a co-
              set up a U.S.-led naval se-  rael  has  been  asked  to   as  their  capital.  Israel  an-  ing  prayers,  typically  held  alition  government  follow-
              curity mission in the Strait  participate.q
                                                                      nexed east Jerusalem in a  at  6:30  a.m.,  by  an  hour  ing a vote in April.q
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