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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 13 augusT 2019

            Parts of South and

            Midwest grapple with

            dangerous heat wave

             Associated Press            "You are more likely to de-
            BIRMINGHAM,  Ala.  (AP)  —  velop  a  heat  illness  quick-
            Forecasters  are  warning  er  in  this  type  of  weather,
            about  days  of  scorching,  when  it's  really  humid  and
            dangerous  heat  gripping  hot,"  said  Gary  Chatelain,
            a  wide  swath  of  the  U.S.  a  National  Weather  Ser-
            South and Midwest, where  vice  meteorologist  based
            the heat index on Monday  in  Shreveport,  Louisiana,
            eclipsed 120 degrees (48.9  where a wet summer con-
            Celsius)  in  one  town  and  tributed to high humidity.
            climbed nearly that high in  More of the same is in store
            others.                      for  Tuesday,  when  heat
            With  temperatures  around  and  humidity  will  again
            100  degrees  (37  Celsius)  make  for  dangerous  heat
            at  midday  and  "feels  like"  indexes  over  a  wide  area.
            temperatures soaring even  However,  an  approach-
            higher,  parts  of  13  states  ing  cool  front  should  help
            were under heat advisories,  ease  the  intense  heat  by
            from  Texas,  Louisiana  and  Wednesday in some areas,
            Florida in the South to Mis-  Chatelain said.
            souri and Illinois in the Mid-  "If  you're  going  out  in  the
            west, the National Weather  summer,  prepare  for  the
            Service reported.            worst," he said.
            "It  feels  like  hell  is  what  In  the  Mississippi  Delta,
            it  feels  like,"  said  Junae  farmers had no choice but
            Brooks,  who  runs  Junae's  to  work  in  the  fields  Mon-
            Grocery  in  Holly  Bluff,  Mis-  day  as  they  scrambled
            sissippi.  Around  her,  many  to  clear  debris  and  make
            of her customers kept cool  repairs  after  floodwaters
            with  wet  rags  around  their  inundated the region in re-
            necks  or  by  wearing  straw  cent  months,  Brooks  said.
            hats.                        Farmers  just  now  able  to
            Some  of  the  most  oppres-  reach their land.
            sive conditions were in Loui-  "The mosquitoes the gnats,
            siana,  Arkansas,  Mississippi  the  spiders,  the  snakes  —   Tennessee Titans wide receiver A.J. Brown (11) drinks water during NFL football practice at Saint
            and Oklahoma.                all  of  them  —  have  been   Thomas Sports Park, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019, in Nashville, Tenn.
            The  heat  index  soared  to  way worse this year," Brooks                                                                      Associated Press
            121  degrees  (49.4  Celsius)  said.
            by late afternoon in Clarks-  In  Alabama  and  Tennes-   service's  Huntsville  office  sippi; and Tallahassee, Flor-  average year. The number
            dale, Mississippi; and to 119  see,  high  school  football  said  Monday  they  issued  ida experience less than a  of  days  would  increase  to
            degrees  (48.3  Celsius)  in  coaches  were  adjusting  the  first  "excessive  heat  week's worth of days each  57  in  Baton  Rouge;  52  in
            West  Memphis,  Arkansas,  practice  schedules  Mon-      warning"  for  the  area  in  year when the heat index is  Jackson;  and  50  in  Talla-
            the weather service report-  day  and  Tuesday,  with  more  than  seven  years.  over  105  degrees  (41  Cel-     hassee.
            ed.  Similar  readings  were  some moving the workouts  Such a warning is more seri-   sius).                       Southern  states  would  feel
            expected  in  eastern  Okla-  indoors  and  others  con-  ous than a heat advisory.    If no action is taken to stop  the  brunt  of  increasingly
            homa.                        ducting training in the early  The  region  hardest-hit  by  climate  change,  the  num-  dangerous heat in coming
            In  Alabama,  the  tempera-  morning  or  evening,  The  the  heat  wave  could  ex-   ber  of  days  when  it's  that  years,  said  Astrid  Caldas,
            ture hit 100 degrees with a  Tennessean reported .        perience many more days  hot  will  soar  in  those  cities  one of the study's authors.
            heat index of 106 degrees  Cooling stations were open  each  year  when  the  heat  and others, according to a  "Texas  and  Florida  stand
            by  mid-afternoon  in  Bir-  in  several  cities,  including  index soars as the effects of  recent  study  by  the  Union  out,  but  also  of  course
            mingham,  the  state's  larg-  Tulsa,  Memphis,  and  Little  climate  change  increase,  of  Concerned  Scientists,  Louisiana,  and  Mississippi
            est city.                    Rock,  Arkansas,  officials  scientists say.              "Killer  Heat  in  the  United  and the whole area all the
            Heat  exhaustion  and  heat  said.                        Historically,  cities  such  as  States  ."  By  midcentury,  way up to North Carolina,"
            stroke  were  the  leading  In northern Alabama, fore-    Austin, Texas; Baton Rouge,  Austin  would  see  59  days  said  Caldas,  a  climate
            threats.                     casters  with  the  weather  Louisiana;  Jackson,  Missis-  of such extreme heat in an  scientist.q
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