P. 2

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
            Continued from Front         Immigration  Services,  said
            It's part of a dramatic over-  the rule change will ensure
            haul  of  the  nation's  immi-  those  who  come  to  the
            gration system that the ad-  country  don't  become  a
            ministration has been work-  burden,  though  they  pay
            ing to put in place, despite  taxes.
            legal pushback. While most  "We  want  to  see  people
            attention  has  focused  on  coming to this country who
            President  Donald  Trump's  are  self-sufficient,"  Cuc-
            efforts  to  crack  down  on  cinelli  said.  "That's  a  core
            illegal  immigration,  includ-  principle  of  the  American
            ing  recent  raids  in  Missis-  dream. It's deeply embed-
            sippi  and  the  continued  ded in our history, and par-
            separation  of  migrant  par-  ticularly  our  history  related
            ents from their children, the  to legal immigration."
            new  rules  target  people  Migrants  make  up  a  small
            who  entered  the  United  percentage  of  those  who      In this Aug. 11, 2019 photo, children of mainly Latino immigrant parents hold signs in support of
            States legally and are seek-  get public benefits. In fact,   them and those individuals picked up during an immigration raid at a food processing plant in
            ing permanent status.        many are ineligible for such   Canton, Miss., following a Spanish Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Canton, Miss.
            Trump is trying to move the  benefits  because  of  their                                                                       Associated Press
            U.S.  toward  a  system  that  immigration status.
            focuses on immigrants' skills  Immigrant  rights  groups  And  David  Skorton,  presi-  ries  that  would  be  subject  Active  U.S.  military  mem-
            instead of emphasizing the  strongly    criticized   the  dent and CEO of the Asso-    to the new review, accord-   bers  are  also  exempt,  as
            reunification of families.   changes, warning the rules  ciation  of  American  Medi-  ing  to  the  government.  are  refugees  and  asylum
            Under  the  new  rules,  U.S.  would  scare  immigrants  cal Colleges said, "The con-  Guidelines in use since 1999  seekers.  And  the  rules  will
            Citizenship  and  Immigra-   away from asking for need-   sequences of this action will  refer to a "public charge" as  not be applied retroactive-
            tion Services will now weigh  ed  help.  And  they  voiced  be  to  potentially  exacer-  someone  primarily  depen-  ly, officials said.
            whether  applicants  have  concern the rules give offi-   bate illnesses and increase  dent  on  cash  assistance,  Green  card  hopefuls  will
            received  public  assistance  cials too much authority to  the costs of care when their  income  maintenance  or  be required to submit three
            along  with  other  factors  decide  whether  someone  condition becomes too se-       government support.          years of federal tax returns
            such as education, income  is likely to need public assis-  vere to ignore,"           Under  the  new  rules,  the  in  addition  to  a  history  of
            and  health  to  determine  tance in the future.          "This change will worsen ex-  Department  of  Homeland  employment.  If  immigrants
            whether to grant legal sta-  The   Los   Angeles-based  isting health inequities and  Security  has  redefined  a  have  private  health  insur-
            tus.  The  rules  will  take  ef-  National  Immigration  Law  disparities,  cause  further  public charge as someone  ance, that will weigh heav-
            fect  in  mid-October.  They  Center  said  it  would  file  a  harm to many underserved  who is "more likely than not"  ily in their favor.
            don't apply to U.S. citizens,  lawsuit, calling the new rules  and  vulnerable  popula-  to  receive  public  benefits  According  to  an  Associ-
            though  immigrants  related  an attempt to redefine the  tions  and  increase  costs  for  more  than  12  months  ated Press analysis of cen-
            to the citizens may be sub-  legal  immigration  system  to  the  health  care  system  within  a  36-month  period.  sus data, low-income immi-
            ject to them.                "in  order  to  disenfranchise  overall, which will affect all  If  someone  uses  two  ben-  grants who are not citizens
            Ken  Cuccinelli,  acting  di-  communities  of  color  and  patients," he said in a state-  efits, that is counted as two  use  Medicaid,  food  aid,
            rector  of  Citizenship  and  favor the wealthy."         ment.                        months.  And  the  definition  cash  assistance  and  Sup-
                                                                      Cuccinelli  defended  the  has  been  broadened  to  plemental Security Income,
                                                                      move,  insisting  the  admin-  include  Medicaid,  housing  or SSI, at a lower rate than
                                                                      istration  was  not  rejecting  assistance  and  food  assis-  comparable   low-income
                                                                      long-held American values.   tance  under  the  Supple-   native-born adults.
                                                                      Pressed on the Emma Laza-    mental Nutrition Assistance  Non-citizen immigrants rep-
                                                                      rus poem emblazoned be-      Program, or SNAP.            resent  6.5%  of  those  par-
                                                                      low  the  Statue  of  Liberty  Following  publication  of  ticipating in Medicaid and
                                                                      that  reads:  "Give  me  your  the proposed rules last fall,  8.8%  of  those  receiving
                                                                      tired,  your  poor,  your  hud-  the Homeland Security De-  food assistance.
                                                                      dled  masses  yearning  to  partment received 266,000  The  new  public  assistance
                                                                      breathe  free,"  he  told  re-  public  comments,  more  threshold,  taken  together
                                                                      porters at the White House:  than  triple  the  average  with  higher  requirements
                                                                      "I'm certainly not prepared  number.  It  made  a  series  for  education,  work  skills
                                                                      to  take  anything  down  off  of amendments to the final  and  health,  will  make  it
                                                                      the Statue of Liberty."      rules as a result.           more difficult for immigrants
                                                                      A new Pew Research Cen-      For  example,  women  who  to  qualify  for  green  cards,
                                                                      ter survey released Monday  are pregnant and on Med-      advocates  say.  "Without  a
                                                                      found the American public  icaid  or  who  need  public  single change in the law by
                                                                      is broadly critical of the ad-  assistance  will  not  be  sub-  Congress, the Trump public
                                                                      ministration's  handling  of  ject to the new rules during  charge  rules  mean  many
                                                                      the wave of migrants at the  pregnancy  or  for  60  days  more U.S. citizens are being
                                                                      southern border, with near-  after giving birth. The Medi-  and will be denied the op-
                                                                      ly  two-thirds  of  Americans  care  Part  D  low-income  portunity to live together in
                                                                      — 65% — saying the federal  subsidy also won't be con-    the  U.S.  with  their  spouses,
                                                                      government is doing a very  sidered  a  public  benefit.  children and parents," said
                                                                      bad or somewhat bad job.  And  benefits  received  by  Ur  Jaddou,  a  former  Citi-
                                                                      The  survey  found  broad  children until the age of 21  zenship  and  Immigration
                                                                      support  for  developing  a  won't  be  considered.  Nor  Services chief counsel who
                                                                      pathway  to  legal  status  will emergency medical as-    is  now  director  of  the  DHS
                                                                      for  immigrants  living  in  the  sistance, school lunch pro-  Watch run by an immigrant
                                                                      country illegally.           grams, foster care or adop-  advocacy  group.  "These
                                                                      On  average,  544,000  peo-  tion,  student  loans  and  are not just small changes.
                                                                      ple  apply  for  green  cards  mortgages,  food  pantries,  They are big changes with
                                                                      every  year,  with  about  homeless  shelters  or  disas-  enormous  consequences
                                                                      382,000 falling into catego-  ter relief.                 for U.S. citizens."q
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