P. 16

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD  –  We  would  like  to  portrait  you!
            By inviting you to send us your favorite vaca-
            tion  picture  while  enjoying  our  Happy  Island.
            Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  …….
            Send your picture with that text (including your
            name and where you are from) to: news@aru-
    and  we  will  publish  your  vaca-
            tion memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep
            your best moments alive? Please do note: By
            submitting photos, text or any other materials,
            you give permission to the Aruba Today News-
            paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its
            affiliated companies  to  use  said  materials, as
            well  as  names,  likeness,  etc.  for  promotional
            purposes without compensation.

            Last but not least: check out our website and
            Facebook page! Thank you for supporting our
            free newspaper, we strive to make you a hap-
            py reader every day again.
            We received this amazing picture Matt O’Brien
            and  Lauren  Terhune  from  New  Jersey.  They
            “Aruba to us is …… A Dream come True!!”

            Matt O’Brien and Lauren Terhune got engage-
            ment  on  August  10,  2019  on  Palm  Beach  at
            sunset.  A  celebration  with  family  and  friends
            followed at Azzuro at Playa Linda Beach Resort.
            Matt and Lauren plan to celebrate their wed-
            ding  in  August  of  2020  in  Aruba.  Aruba  has
            been  Lauren’s  family  vacation  destination  for
            the last 10 years and is considered their home
            away from home.q

            Honoring of loyal visitors at the Aruba                                     To Cathy with Love…..

            Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino

                                                                                           The day you became my wife was the happiest day in my
                                                                                           And for these past 30 years I’ve grown to love and appreci-
                                                                                           ate you even more.
            PALM  BEACH  —  Recently,  Kimber-   This  lovely  family  stated  that  they
            ley Richardson of the Aruba Tourism  love the island very much, especial-      Aruba has always been our special place in time, our Home
            Authority  had  the  great  pleasure  ly for its year-round sunny weather,
            to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly  nice sandy beaches, beautiful sun-        away from Home. And being with you to celebrate in Aruba
                                                                                           has always been wonderful. You are the reason why I am so
            visitors  as  Distinguished  Visitors  of  sets, delicious variety of foods, and
            Aruba.  The  symbolic  Distinguished  the Staff of the Marriot Resort and      happy.
            Visitor  certificate  is  presented  on  Stellaris Casino.
            behalf  of  the  Minister  of  Tourism,                                        Happy 30th Anniversary! I’ll always love you.
            as  a  token  of  appreciation  to  the  Ms.  Richardson  together  with  the
            guests who visit Aruba 10 years and  representatives  of  the  Aruba  Mar-     Love,
            more consecutively.                  riott  Resort  and  Stellaris  Casino
                                                 presented  the  certificates  to  the     Danny
            The  honorees  were  Mark  Efstratiou  honorees,  and  also  handed  over
            and  his  two  daughters  who  have  some  presents  and  thanked  them        Aruba  Today  congratulates  the  Happy  Couple  with  their
            been visiting the island for over 10  for choosing Aruba as their favorite
            years consecutively!                 vacation  destination  and  as  their     30th Anniversary and also Happy Birthday to Danny!q
                                                 home away from home.q
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