P. 20
Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
Murray loses in first round at Cincinnati in singles return
pain that had hobbled New York. their five-set final at Wim-
him for a long time. Mur- "We were hoping to may- bledon, won by Djokovic in
ray played doubles in sev- be hold a wild card until a a match considered one of
eral tournaments, including little bit closer to the time the greatest in history.
Wimbledon with Serena to see how I feel and get The other member of the
Williams and at Washington some matches, hopefully, Big Three, Rafael Nadal,
with brother Jamie, before and a bit of practice, but withdrew from the Masters
deciding to try singles at they were announcing the event, citing fatigue after
Cincinnati, where he is a wild cards today and didn't he won the Rogers Cup in
two-time champion. want to wait," he said. Montreal on Sunday.
"I don't really know what I The 32-year-old's rust was The women's Rogers Cup
was expecting, to be hon- evident as he double-fault- champion, Canadian Bi-
est," Murray said. "I think I ed on his first serve, but he anca Andreescu, also with-
did OK. I think there was a recovered to last 1 hour, 36 drew from Cincinnati to rest
lot of things I would like to minutes with no apparent for the U.S. Open. Andrees-
Andy Murray, of Britain, hits a forehand volley against Rich-
ard Gasquet, of France, during first-round play at the Western have done better in the health issues. cu won in Toronto after Ser-
& Southern Open tennis tournament Monday, Aug. 12, 2019, in match, but, you know, you "When he drop-shotted, ena Williams retired with
Mason, Ohio. also have to be somewhat there was a few times I back problems.
Associated Press realistic, as well, in terms of didn't even run to the ball, Gasquet will play fourth-
what you can expect in didn't react to it, and that's seeded Dominic Thiem in
MASON, Ohio (AP) — Andy ern & Southern Open on terms of how you actually nothing to do with my hip," the second round.
Murray moved well in his first Monday. play and hit the ball. Murray said. "That's just Marin Cilic became the
singles match since Janu- The singles match was Mur- "I think physically, you me not running for a ball, first seeded player to lose
ary, but not well enough to ray's first since a painful exit know, my legs were a little which I did do that better when 39th-ranked Radu Al-
move on — even to the U.S. from the Australian Open bit heavy at the end of the at the end of the match. I bot beat the 14th seed 6-4,
Open. that had him thinking his match in comparison to reacted and got to a few 7-6 (6) in Monday's opening
Using a bottomless arse- career might be over. The maybe what they normal- and won points." round.
nal of drop shots, Richard three-time Grand Slam ly would be if you played, Top-seeded Novak Djokov- In the women's draw, 14th-
Gasquet snapped a five- champion underwent a you know, a bunch." ic and third-seeded Roger seeded Johanna Konta
match losing streak against second hip surgery on Jan. The U.S. Open's wild-card Federer remain in the men's was upset by qualifier Re-
Murray with a 6-4, 6-4 win in 28, receiving metal implants timing led Murray to de- draw. It's the first tourna- becca Peterson 6-3, 3-6,
the first round of the West- that helped eliminate the cide against playing in ment for both players since 7-5.q