P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 13 augusT 2019

            Stocks move broadly lower as trade war anxiety lingers

            By ALEX VEIGA                                                                                                       taken stocks on a wild ride
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in August.
            Banks    and    technology                                                                                          The S&P 500 index zoomed
            companies drove a broad                                                                                             up  and  down  last  week,
            slide in stocks on Wall Street                                                                                      ending  with  its  second
            Monday  afternoon  that                                                                                             straight  weekly  loss.  The
            knocked the Dow Jones In-                                                                                           wild swings follow President
            dustrial Average more than                                                                                          Donald  Trump's  threat  to
            300 points lower.                                                                                                   impose more tariffs on Chi-
            The  sell-off  adds  to  losses                                                                                     nese  goods,  followed  by
            that the market racked up                                                                                           China's  move  to  allow  its
            last week amid heightened                                                                                           currency to weaken.
            anxiety over the U.S. China-                                                                                        Trump has said he'd be "fine"
            trade war.                                                                                                          if the U.S. and China don't
            Investors  are  coming  off                                                                                         go  ahead  with  a  meeting
            of  a  week  of  wild  swings                                                                                       next month, dampening in-
            that  ended  in  yet  another                                                                                       vestors' hopes for a path to
            loss.  The  market  has  been                                                                                       resolving the economically
            riddled with worry that the                                                                                         damaging trade war.
            fallout from the costly trade                                                                                       MERGER CHATTER: Shares in
            conflict will undercut an al-                                                                                       Viacom and CBS fell amid
            ready slowing global econ-                                                                                          published   reports   sug-
            omy  and  hurt  corporate    Specialist Anthony Matsic works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday,   gesting  the  entertainment
            profits.                     Aug. 12, 2019.                                                                         companies  are  close  to  a
            Traders  shifted  money  into                                                                      Associated Press  merger  deal.  Viacom  slid
            U.S.  government  bonds                                                                                             4.6% and CBS lost 1.7%.
            Monday,  sending  bond  Technology,  health  care  growth.                             panies to report their earn-  GLITTERING RESULTS: Barrick
            prices  higher.  That  pulled  and  consumer  discretion-  Investors are facing a rela-  ings for the latest quarter.  Gold rose 0.5% after report-
            down  the  yield  on  the  10-  ary sector stocks account-  tively  slow  week  as  far  as  KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P  ing  a  fourth  quarter  surge
            year Treasury to 1.65% from  ed  for  much  of  the  mar-  economic reports and cor-   500  index  was  down  1%  in  gold  production  and  a
            1.73% late Friday. The yield  ket's  decline.  Symantec  porate earnings. The Labor  as  of  2  p.m.  Eastern  time.  profit  that  met  Wall  Street
            is used as a benchmark for  dropped 4.7%, Nektar Ther-    Department  will  release  its  The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  forecasts. The company re-
            interest rates on mortgages  apeutics slumped 10% and  consumer  price  index  for  Average  fell  316  points,  or  affirmed  a  solid  2019  fore-
            and other consumer loans.    Tractor Supply fell 4.2%.    July on Tuesday and Com-     1.2%,  to  25,970.  The  Nas-  cast for gold production.
            The  drop  in  bond  yields  Real  estate  and  utilities  merce   Department     will  daq  composite  dropped  FEEDING  GROWTH:  Sysco
            weighed  on  financial  sec-  stocks  posted  the  smallest  release  last  month's  retail  1%.  The  Russell  2000  index  rose 3.5% after the food dis-
            tor  stocks.  Bank  of  Ameri-  declines.  Traders  usually  sales results on Thursday.  of  smaller  companies  fell  tributor  beat  Wall  Street's
            ca  fell  2.4%  and  Citigroup  seek  the  shelter  of  utilities  Macy's  reports  quarterly  1.1%.                fiscal  fourth  quarter  profit
            gave up 2.5%. Credit card  and bonds when they want  results on Wednesday and  FEAR FACTOR: Anxiety and  forecasts.  The  company's
            issuer  Synchrony  Financial  a more secure place to put  Walmart  will  report  re-   fear  over  the  U.S.-China  revenue   edged     higher
            slid 3% and Capital One Fi-  their  money  because  of  sults on Thursday. They are  trade war continues to hov-    on  growth  from  its  U.S.
            nancial dropped 2.4%.        concerns  over  economic  among the last major com-       er over the market and has  operations.q

            UK economy shrinks for first time since 2012 as Brexit bites

            By PAN PYLAS                 pen  on  March  29,  but  has                                                          son, has insisted that there
            Associated Press             been  delayed  to  the  end                                                            will  be  no  further  delay  to
            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  Brit-  of October after Parliament                                                            the  Brexit  date  and  that
            ish  economy  shrank  in  the  rejected  the  withdrawal                                                            Britain will leave the EU on
            second quarter of the year  agreement  that  the  previ-                                                            Halloween    come    what
            for  the  first  time  in  six  and  ous prime minister, Theresa                                                    may.  That's  stoked  fears,
            a  half  years  largely  be-  May,  had  negotiated  with                                                           particularly   in   currency
            cause  Brexit  uncertainties  the EU. Compelled by Par-                                                             markets  where  the  pound
            weighed  heavily  on  busi-  liament,  May  requested                                                               has  been  sliding,  that  Brit-
            ness investment, official fig-  the extension.                                                                      ain  will  leave  the  EU  with-
            ures showed Monday.          Before  the  extension  re-                                                            out a deal, a development
            The  decline,  the  first  since  quest,  many  firms  stock-                                                       that  would  see  tariffs  and
            the  fourth  quarter  of  2012,  piled  products  to  help                                                          other  restrictions  imposed
            was    unexpected.    Most  cushion  them  in  case  Brit-                                                          on traded goods.
            economists  thought  that  ain  crashed  out  of  the  EU   A fruit stall displays fruit at a market in London, Wednesday, Aug.   With all that uncertainty, the
            the  economy  would  be  on  March  29  without  a        7, 2019.                                                  Bank  of  England  warned
            flat.                        deal. That business activity                                          Associated Press  last  week  that  there's  a
            The  Office  for  National  helped the economy grow                                                                 one-in-three  chance  that
            Statistics  said  the  contrac-  by 0.5% in the first quarter.  Brexit uncertainty is weigh-  EU,  weakened  further  in  Britain will slip into recession
            tion came "at a time of in-  Since   then,   companies  ing on the British economy  the  second  quarter,  con-     in  the  early  part  of  2020
            creased  volatility  around  have    stopped    stockpil-  more  than  anticipated.  tracting  by  0.5%  following  even if a Brexit ends up be-
            the  U.K.'s  original  planned  ing  as  much,  weighing  on  Business  investment,  which  a modest uptick in the first  ing smooth. The pound fell
            exit date from the Europe-   growth overall.              has  been  historically  weak  three months of the year.  after the release of Friday's
            an Union in late March."     The  disappointing  figure  since  the  country  voted  May's     replacement     as  GDP figures, down 0.2% on
            Brexit  was  meant  to  hap-  is  set  to  raise  alarm  that  in  June  2016  to  leave  the  prime  minister,  Boris  John-  the day at $1.2115.q
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