P. 28

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
            Goals to fight fire with fire often fall short in U.S. West

            By BRIAN MELLEY                                                                                                     The state acknowledged in
            Associated Press                                                                                                    a  draft  environmental  im-
            KINGS  CANYON  NATION-                                                                                              pact  report  that  clearing
            AL PARK, Calif. (AP) — The                                                                                          vegetation may not slow or
            thick scent of smoke hung                                                                                           halt extreme fires.
            in  the  midday  air  when  a                                                                                       But  successful  prescribed
            trail  along  the  Kings  River                                                                                     burns  can  save  property
            opened  up  to  an  omi-                                                                                            from some future fires, sup-
            nous  scene:  flames  in  the                                                                                       porters said.
            trees and thick gray smoke                                                                                          Four  years  ago,  Cedar
            shrouding canyon walls.                                                                                             Grove  in  the  bottom  of
            Firefighters were on the job.                                                                                       Kings  Canyon  escaped  a
            In  fact,  they  had  started                                                                                       massive   lightning-ignited
            the  blaze  that  chewed                                                                                            fire — flames burned up to
            through  thick  ferns,  black-                                                                                      where  periodic  prescribed
            ened  downed  trees  and                                                                                            burns  had  thinned  under-
            charred the forest floor. The                                                                                       growth. About $400 million
            prescribed  burn  —  a  low-                                                                                        in  property,  including  em-
            intensity,  closely  managed                                                                                        ployee  housing,  lodging,
            fire  —  was  intended  to                                                                                          campgrounds  and  a  wa-
            clear out undergrowth and                                                                                           ter  treatment  plant,  was
            protect  the  heart  of  Kings                                                                                      spared,  said  Theune,  the
            Canyon National Park from                                                                                           parks spokesman.
            future  wildfires  that  are                                                                                        Last winter was a very wet
            growing  larger  and  more   In this June 11, 2019 firefighters keep an eye on a prescribed burn in Kings Canyon National Park,   one in California, and that
            frequent    amid    climate   Calif.                                                                                left  brush  and  vegetation
            change.                                                                                            Associated Press  less volatile through spring.
            The tactic is considered one                                                                                        In  Kings  Canyon,  firefight-
            of the best ways to prevent  of intentional fire, said Mike  Michael Theune, a spokes-  fornia,  some  environmen-  ers returned in June to burn
            the kind of catastrophic de-  Mohler,  deputy  director  of  man for Sequoia and Kings  talists  opposed  intentional  different  segments  along
            struction that has become  the  California  Department  Canyon National Parks.         burns  because  they  can  a narrow strip of pines, ce-
            common from wildfires, but  of Forestry and Fire Protec-  In  the  American  West,  destroy natural drought-tol-    dars  and  manzanita  be-
            its  use  falls  woefully  short  tion.                   where  the  landscape  is  erant  shrubs  and  replace  tween the raging Kings Riv-
            of  goals  in  the  U.S.  West.  Despite  the  push  for  more  steep  and  downed  trees,  them with flammable inva-  er and a road that ends in
            A  study  published  in  the  burns,  there  are  disastrous  brush and other fuels have  sive weeds and grasses.   the canyon.
            journal  Fire  in  April  found  reminders  of  prescribed  built  up  over  decades  of  Rick  Halsey  of  the  Califor-  With   other   firefighters
            prescribed burns on feder-   fires  blowing  out  of  con-  fire  suppression,  the  so-  nia Chaparral Institute said  standing  by  in  case  em-
            al land in the last 20 years  trol — such as a 2012 Colo-  called  burn  window  can  reintroducing  fire  through  bers  escaped,  a  half-doz-
            across the West has stayed  rado  burn  that  killed  three  be  short  because  of  hot,  prescribed  burns  is  appro-  en  members  of  the  park's
            level or fallen despite calls  people  and  damaged  or  dry conditions.               priate in the Sierra Nevada,  Arrowhead  Hot  Shots  me-
            for more.                    destroyed  more  than  two  Relaxing environmental re-    where more frequent light-   thodically  dripped  flame
            Prescribed  fires  are  cred-  dozen homes.               strictions  has  cleared  the  ning-sparked fires and blaz-  from  gas-and-diesel  torch-
            ited  with  making  forests  Overcoming  public  fears  way  for  more  prescribed  es historically set by Native  es  to  ignite  dry  pine  nee-
            healthier  and  stopping  or  by  teaching  about  "good  fires in some cases.         Americans are believed to  dles, twigs and other accu-
            slowing  the  advance  of  smoke, bad smoke, out-of-      Oregon  recently  changed  improve forests by clearing  mulated material.
            some blazes. Despite those  control fire and prescribed  air quality rules for planned  brush  to  allow  taller  trees  A mosaic-like pattern of fire
            successes, there are plenty  fire" is just one hurdle before  fires to strike a balance be-  to  thrive  and  opening  se-  crept through grasses, pine
            of reasons they are not set  firefighters  can  put  match  tween  smoky  winter  skies  quoia  seed  pods  so  they  cones and dead branches.
            as  often  as  officials  would  to kindling, Mohler said.  and  bad  summer  blazes.  can reproduce.               Downed  ponderosa  pines
            like,  ranging  from  poor  "It's the difference between  California  proclaimed  a  But  Halsey  said  prescribed  became  occasional  flash-
            conditions  to  safely  burn  fire  under  our  terms  and  state  of  emergency  to  al-  fires  don't  help  much  of  points.  Teams  with  hoses
            to bureaucratic snags and  fighting fire on Mother Na-    low  it  to  fast-track  brush  the  rest  of  the  state.  The  doused flames that threat-
            public opposition.           ture's terms," he said.      clearing.                    fire that tore through Para-  ened to climb living trees.
            After  a  wildfire  last  year  It  can  take  years  to  plan  Most  states  and  federal  dise  showed  how  ineffec-  Ideally,  Sequoia  and  Kings
            largely  leveled  the  city  of  and  clear  federal,  state  agencies  in  the  U.S.  West  tive  clearing  underbrush  Canyon  parks  would  burn
            Paradise and killed 86 peo-  and  local  environmental  have ambitious  goals they  can be — it roared across  10,000  or  more  acres  a
            ple, the state prioritized 35  and  air  pollution  regula-  don't achieve, said Crystal  7 miles (11 kilometers) that  year, Theune said. The an-
            brush  and  other  vegeta-   tions.  A  burn  among  gi-  Kolden, a University of Ida-  had  burned  just  10  years  nual target is about a fifth
            tion-reduction projects that  ant sequoias once took 13  ho  forest  and  fire  science  earlier.                   of  that,  and  the  actual
            could all involve some use  years  to  accomplish,  said  professor whose study con-   "It  was  still  grasses  and  acreage burned often falls
                                                                      cluded  that  not  enough  weeds  and  shrubs,  and  far short of that goal.
                                                                      prescribed  fires  are  being  that's the model these pre-  Over  two  days,  the  fire
                                                                      done in the region.          scribed burning advocates  crew  blackened  the  218
                                                                      "They  know  they  need  to  have  used,"  Halsey  said.  acres  targeted,  doubling
                                                                      be  doing  more  prescribed  "They say if we have young-  the  total  area  burned  last
                                                                      fire, they want to be doing  er  fuels  on  the  landscape,  year in the two parks.
                                                                      more  prescribed  fire,"  she  we'll have less fires or lower  But  it  was  merely  10%  of
                                                                      said.  "They  are  simply  un-  intensity  fires,  and  we  can  the parks' annual goal and
                                                                      able to accomplish that."    use those areas to protect  just  a  tiny  fraction  of  land
                                                                      Opponents  cite  the  threat  communities. And that has  in the U.S. West that could
                                                                      to  wildlife  and  release  of  never  happened  in  wind-  be treated with prescribed
                                                                      greenhouse  gases.  In  Cali-  driven fires."             fire.q
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