P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
             Casey Affleck explores parenting in the apocalypse

            By LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                     works.  They  can't  even
            Associated Press                                                                                                    agree  on  whether  or  not
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Casey                                                                                            Affleck  gave  her  anything
            Affleck  had  been  working                                                                                         to prepare beforehand.
            on  a  script  about  a  par-                                                                                       Affleck: "She says I did, but I
            ent  and  child  for  years.                                                                                        don't remember and I don't
            He'd  written  scenes  about                                                                                        think she read it anyway."
            a  bedtime  story  and  an                                                                                          Pniowsky:  "He  made  me
            argument  about  taking  a                                                                                          read  three  books.  I  only
            trip  into  town  and  things                                                                                       remember  one  of  them.
            seemed  to  be  going  well.                                                                                        It  was  'Little  House  on  the
            As  the  father  of  two  boys,                                                                                     Prairie'... They were all kind
            Affleck  had  defaulted  to                                                                                         of older books."
            writing  the  child  as  a  son.                                                                                    Affleck: "Obviously they re-
            But then, deep into the pro-                                                                                        ally sunk in." "Light of My Life"
            cess,  his  boys  came  back                                                                                        is Affleck's first time behind
            with  a  request:  They  didn't                                                                                     the camera since the 2010
            want it to be about them.                                                                                           film "I'm Still Here" that led to
            "They were pretty adamant                                                                                           civil  lawsuits  for  breach  of
            that they did not want it to                                                                                        contract from two women,
            be  a  father-son  story,"  Af-                                                                                     a  cinematographer  and
            fleck  said.  "I  had  already                                                                                      a  producer,  who  worked
            put  in  a  lot  of  work  and  I                                                                                   on the film. One also sued
            was like, don't do it ... "  In this Feb. 8, 2019 file photo, Actor Casey Affleck and actress Anna Pniowsky pose for the pho-  for sexual harassment, and
            But,  despite  the  heartburn   tographers during a photo call for the film 'Light of My Life' at the 2019 Berlinale Film Festival in   both described an uncom-
            of  having  to  rework  the   Berlin, Germany.                                                                      fortable atmosphere on the
            story again, he caved and                                                                          Associated Press  set  of  the  unconventional
            made the child a girl, and it                                                                                       mockumentary.  Both  were
            ultimately helped the story.  an entire world who wants  little-known  Canadian  ac-   reality.  Critics  have  hailed  settled out of court, and Af-
            He'd been looking for stakes  to kidnap them."            tress named Anna Pniowsky  her  performance,  much  fleck  apologized  last  year
            in  this  parenting  saga  and  The  result  is  the  slow-burn  who fit the bill perfectly.  of  which  is  spent  in  "dis-  in an interview with The As-
            now a genre construct was  dramatic  thriller  "Light  of  "I was still a little girl. I think I  guise" as a young boy, as a  sociated  Press  for  allowing
            possible. What if a disease  My  Life"  now  playing  in  was 11 when I sent my tape  breakout.                     and contributing to "an un-
            had  wiped  out  all  of  the  theaters  and  available  on  in," Pniowsky, now 13, said. "I  "She  didn't  need  a  whole  professional environment."
            women,  except  this  man's  demand.  Affleck  directed,  wasn't  expecting  anything  lot,"  Affleck  said.  "She  was  Behind  the  scenes  Affleck
            daughter?                    wrote and stars in the film,  to happen. I didn't get a lot  just good at doing this nat-  has been quietly doing his
            "This  was  about  someone  which premiered earlier this  of roles back then."         urally. Sometimes I felt like if  part to try to chip away at
            who  was  very  nervous  year  at  the  Berlin  Film  Fes-  Since  then,  her  profile  has  I interfered too much in the  inequality  in  his  industry.  In
            about protecting their kid. I  tival.  It  knowingly  echoes  risen  with  roles  in  the  Hulu  scene  or  the  natural  pro-  "Light of My Life," he worked
            wanted to make the stakes  modern  classics  like  "Chil-  show "Pen15" as one of the  gression of the scene that I  with  a  number  of  women
            of  that  as  big  as  possible  dren of Men."            popular  girls  and  "The  Hot  was just getting in the way."  on the crew, including "Me-
            so it wasn't just like, I'm pro-  He  and  casting  director  Zone."  And  she  fell  easily  Together, Affleck and Pnio-  mento"  editor  Dody  Dorn
            tecting  them  from  having  Avy  Kaufman  went  on  an  into her role as a pre-teen  wsky  have  a  light-hearted  and  assistant  director  Liz
            a bad fourth grade experi-   epic  search  to  find  the  who  still  acts  out  and  de-  rapport  where  you  can  Tan,  who  has  worked  on
            ence," Affleck said. "It's like  right girl to play his daugh-  fies her fathers' rules even in  see the seeds of why their  epics  like  "The  Lord  of  the
            I'm  protecting  them  from  ter, Rag, and discovered a  this  bleak  and  dangerous  father-daughter  dynamic  Rings." q

            Lil Nas X's viral song sets more records on Billboard charts

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Lil  Nas  songs  chart.  Drake's  track  ey  and  Boyz  II  Men's  "One
            X  is  galloping  his  way  to  spent 18 weeks at No.1.   Sweet Day" and Luis Fonsi,
            two  new  records  on  the  On the Hot rap songs chart,  Daddy  Yankee  and  Justin
            Billboard  charts  thanks  to  where  Lil  Nas  X's  county-  Bieber's "Despacito."
            the massive success of "Old  rap  tune  is  also  spending  "Old  Town  Road"  is  now
            Town Road."                  its  19th  week  on  top,  the  spending  its  19th  week  on
            The  song  that  beat  out  20-year-old  beats  the  re-  top of the Hot 100 chart.
            Mariah Carey and "Despa-     cord set by Drake's "Hotline  Lil  Nas  X's  song,  which  has
            cito"  to  become  the  lon-  Bling," Iggy Azalea's "Fancy"  achieved  most  of  its  suc-
            gest-running No. 1 hit in the  and Missy Elliott's "Hot Boyz."  cess through audio stream-
            history of the Hot 100 chart  The latter three songs each  ing,  was  originally  a  solo
            has now set records on Bill-  spent 18 weeks at No.1.     song  but  he  added  Cyrus
            board's  Hot  R&B/Hip-Hop  Last  month  Lil  Nas  X's  viral  to the track. The song also
            songs  and  Hot  rap  songs  song  became  the  most  has remix versions featuring
            charts, respectively.        successful  No.  1  song  of  Diplo,  Young  Thug,  Mason
            "Old  Town  Road,"  which  all-time when it reached its  Ramsey  and  BTS,  and  Bill-
            features Billy Ray Cyrus and  17th week at No. 1 on the  board  counts  the  original
            is spending its 19th week at  all-genre  Hot  100  chart  —  song and its remixes as one
            No. 1, surpasses the record  Billboard's  main  chart  for  when  calculating  chart   In a Sunday, June 23, 2019 file photo, Lil Nas X poses in the press
            set by Drake's "One Dance"  singles — surpassing the 16-  position,  thus  helping  "Old   room at the BET Awards, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
            on  the  Hot  R&B/Hip-Hop  week  record  held  by  Car-   Town Road" stay on top.q                                             Associated Press
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