P. 22

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019

             In this April 25, 2018, file photo, NCAA headquarters in India-
            napolis is viewed.                                         In this Aug. 25, 2012, file photo, driver Tony Stewart throws his helmet at Matt Kenseth's car after
                                                     Associated Press  the two collided during a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race at Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol,
            NCAA amends agent                                         Bristol needs "cage rattling"

            rules to no longer

            require college degree                                    to spark playoff push

            INDIANAPOLIS  (AP)  —  The  developing  our  process,     CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —  It  there needs to be a whole  has  certainly  harmed  at-
            NCAA has backtracked on  we respect the NBPA's de-        was  20  years  ago  when  lot  more  cage  rattling  at  tendance  for  the  former
            new certification standards  termination of qualification   Dale  Earnhardt  Sr.  spun  this stage of the season.   bucket list sporting event at
            and  will  no  longer  require  and  have  amended  our   Terry Labonte to win a Sat-  Bristol, particularly its August  a track that marketed itself
            a  bachelor's  degree  for  a  certification  criteria."  The   urday  night  race  at  Bristol  race around the 0.533-mile  as the site of a raging tem-
            sports  agent  to  represent  NCAA rule permitting play-  Motor Speedway.              concrete,    gladiator-style  pest  where  drivers  could
            Division  I  men's  basketball  ers to obtain an agent yet   Earnhardt   was   chasing  oval,  was  always  one  of  lose their cool and explode
            players who declare for the  still  return  to  school  after   the  trophy  —  the  playoffs  the toughest tickets in NAS-  in anger. Jeff Gordon once
            NBA  draft  while  maintain-  withdrawing from the draft   didn't  exist,  no  stages,  no  CAR and boasted 55 con-  shoved Matt Kenseth, Tony
            ing college eligibility.     was part of recommenda-      bonus  points  —  and  The  secutive  sellouts  from  1982  Stewart  threw  a  helmet,
            The requirement drew criti-  tions from the Condoleezza   Intimidator  simply  wanted  through 2010. The track ac-  middle fingers are the com-
            cism  last  week  when  the  Rice-led  Commission  on     the  victory.  Labonte  had  commodated  30,000  fans  mon  form  of  communica-
            certification    standards  College  Basketball,  which   squeezed  past  Earnhardt  at  the  start  of  the  streak,  tion  and  tempers  are  typi-
            were  revealed,  including  was formed in response to     to  momentarily  take  the  but  expanded  as  most  cally at the boiling point.
            a  social  media  blast  by  a federal corruption investi-  lead and Earnhardt imme-   NASCAR promoters did dur-    Of  course,  fans  can  ar-
            NBA star LeBron James. The  gation into the sport.        diately spun him out of his  ing  the  1990s  to  an  obese  gue the racing just isn't the
            requirement  was  quickly  The change took place last     way.                         161,000 seats because fans  same as it was in 1999 when
            dubbed  the  "Rich  Paul  August,  and  the  first  play-  The  crowd  at  the  packed  were  pouring  through  the  Earnhardt used his bumper
            Rule" in reference to James'  ers  to  take  advantage  of   Bristol  bullring  jeered  Earn-  gates in record numbers at  to win a race. First came al-
            agent, who does not have  the rule did so in the spring.   hardt's  aggressive  move,  venues across the country.   terations to the Bristol track
            a college degree.            They were permitted to sign   and the seven-time cham-    When  the  2008  econom-     surface.  Then  drivers  be-
            The   NCAA     announced  with  an  agent  certified  by   pion dismissed the criticism.  ic  crisis  began,  and  fans  came  scared  of  upsetting
            Monday  it  would  amend  the NBPA — which was the        "Didn't  mean  to  really  turn  were  no  longer  willing  to  a sponsor with bad behav-
            the  standards  so  bach-    stopgap standard until the   him around, meant to rattle  pay  inflated  prices  for  ho-  ior.  NASCAR's  rules  pack-
            elor's  degrees  would  not  NCAA put together its own    his  cage,  though,"  said  an  tels  along  the  Tennessee/  age  has  since  eliminated
            be required for agents cur-  certification  requirements   unapologetic Earnhardt.     Virginia line, the crowd be-  many  of  the  opportunities
            rently certified and in good  — though they had to ter-   Two decades later, there is  gan to dwindle. The sellout  for the bumping and bang-
            standing with the NBA play-  minate the deal if they de-  so  much  more  on  the  line  streak  ended  two  years  ing that made the sport so
            ers  union.  The  NCAA  had  cided to withdraw from the   as  NASCAR  returns  to  Bris-  later,  Bristol's  great  Colise-  popular.
            said  last  week  it  modeled  draft and return to school.  tol  on  the  anniversary  of  um  has  removed  roughly  Drivers also don't want the
            its  rules  after  those  of  the  The  amended  policy  still   one of the most famous fin-  20,000 seats since and the  drama  that  comes  with  a
            National Basketball Players  requires  the  agent  to  be   ishes in series history. There  track  didn't  even  bother  feud.  Johnson  and  Ryan
            Association.                 certified  by  the  NBPA  for   are only three races left to  selling tickets in the turns for  Blaney  found  themselves
            "We  have  been  made  at  least  three  consecutive      make the playoffs and only  the spring race in April. In a  embroiled  in  a  weeklong
            aware  of  several  current  years, as well as taking an   nine drivers have locked in  cruel twist, the Darrell Wal-  saga  after  the  two  made
            agents  who  have  appro-    in-person     examination,   their  slots.  Jimmie  Johnson  trip grandstand was closed  contact  two  races  ago,
            priately represented former  going  through  a  back-     is on the outside of the top  on the same weekend the  Johnson felt Blaney showed
            student-athletes in their pro-  ground check and paying   16,  desperately  trying  to  12-time  Bristol  winner  an-  a  lack  of  respect,  and
            fessional  quest  and  whom  required fees. In its release   work his way into a chance  nounced  his  retirement  as  Blaney  didn't  back  down
            the  (NBPA)  has  granted  last  week,  the  NCAA  said   to race for a record eighth  Fox  Sports'  longtime  ana-  from  his  position.  It  took  a
            waivers  of  its  bachelor's  agents  would  pay  a  $250   championship.              lyst. The cost of a weekend  conversation over beers to
            degree  requirement,"  the  application fee and an an-    As  NASCAR  looks  back  —  at Bristol — the get-in price  smooth things out between
            NCAA said in a statement.  nual $1,250 certification fee   fondly, no doubt — on that  on the track website Mon-    the two, but it was a head-
            "While  specific  individuals  separate from NBPA certifi-  hot  summer  night  show-  day was $80 and lodging is  ache  neither  wanted  as
            were not considered when  cation requirements.q           down  between  a  pair  of  typically  $300  or  more  per  they jockey for berths in the
                                                                      Hall  of  Famers,  perhaps  night  at  nearby  motels  —  16-driver playoff field. q
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