Page 34 - MIN VOS
P. 34
AWEMainta Diahuebs, 20 April 2017 7
Jacky van Putten (POR): wanta muchanan ocupa y actividad social y deportivo, rond mundo, pero nos so- beschikking na e Minister-
Mas deporte, fo’i caya. van Putten ta splica. ciedad ta muriendo pa falta nan, nos lo tin suficiente
menos vicio Scolnan tabata haya tur di atencion pa nos huben- placa pa paga pa e program-
nan material deportivo pa Gobierno mester inverti tud. Si nos ta serio den anan aki cu lo beneficia
nan programa di deporte den su hendenan, mester combati criminalidad bou nos tur. Asina ta no bisa
JACKY van Putten can- escolar y guia dor di Go- inverti den profesionalnan nos hubentud nos mester cu no tin placa, loke a falta
didata di Plataforma E For- bierno cual tabata yuda cu por carga e proyectonan por inverti den nan. Nos ta boluntad y un maneho
sa Nobo, POR, ta comenta cu nos criminalidad tabata aki den bario y ademas uza tin yen di entrenadornan deportivo den e Gobierno
cu su defunto tata a uza bastante abou entre nos e facilidadnan cu ya t’ey y Arubiano cu por wordo guia actual. Si nos kier mira
mas cu 30 aña pasa un lema hubentud. pone nan den un uzo opti- y poni den e programanan menos vicio y criminalidad
di campaña pa enfatisa con Mi compromiso lo ta pa mal pa nos barionan. Lotto aki, van Putten ta enfatisa. anto ban trece deporte bek
importante deporte ta pa trece deporte bek den e y Gobierno mester aloca e unda e mester ta den nos
cu desaroyo social: “Mas barionan, unda nos huben- placa pa paga e gastonan Djis pa duna un ehempel bario, nos scolnan y bou
deporte, menos vicio”. tud despues di scol por haya aki. si nos solamente reduci cu nos hubentud, van Putten
e oportunidad di eherce un Ta bunita cu nos ta biaha 50% e personanan cu ta ter ta conclui.
Recientemente, e Presiden-
te di Asociacion Bancario di
Aruba tambe a bati alarma y
expresa nan precupacion pa
cu criminalidad riba Aruba.
Nan punto di bista ta cu si
e economia no ta bon, e ta
stimula criminalidad. Mes- Working at the A.A.A. is more than just a job
ter tin programanan social It is a start to an exciting, service oriented career with a great impact
y educativo apropia p’asina on our tourism industry and economy.
nos hubentud no cay den
mal caminda. Trahando cu Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) NV, manager and operator of the Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix,
plays a prominent role in the Aruban economy as principal gateway for our tourism.
deporte tur dia pa e ultimo Currently the Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix is one of the busiest airports in the Caribbean region:
34 aña mi por a experencia with more than 30 different scheduled airlines, AAA facilitates almost 2.900.000 passengers and 44.000 aircraft
movements per year, mainly from the US, Canada, South America, Europe and the Caribbean.
esaki, segun van Putten. AAA undergoes continuous upgrades to maintain its position as one of the region’s most innovative airports.
In 2004 AAA has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with Schiphol International BV.
Ultimamente nos por wak
cu nos hubentud mas y Launch your exciting and rewarding career in aviation by joining our team as a
mas ta wordo involucra
den criminalidad, droga y Landside Supervisor
alcohol. Varios di nos scol-
y barionan droga a haci su AAA is looking for energetic, well-spoken and ambitious candidates to start a career
within AAA in the function of Landside Supervisor.
entrada y por mira cu tin As Landside Supervisor you will be part of a team responsible for ensuring a customer-oriented service,
resultadonan di scol cu ta a smooth ow of both arriving and departing passengers and their luggage and the parking lot
laga hopi di desea. Nos ta operation at the Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
midi tur aña cuanto a slag y
cuanto a keda sinta pero no
tin ningun estadistica di tur Profile MBO with minimum of three years’ experience in a similar function and responsibilities
esnan cu no ta yega mes pa including leadership experience;
haci examen, pasobra nan * Good and effective communication skills and uent in English, Spanish, Dutch and Papiamento;
ya a laga scol caba (drop * Problem solving skills;
outs). Nan ta perde den nos * Customer oriented.
sistema di educacion y ta
haya nan mes ta bringa den Reactions
un mercado di trabou limita If you recognize yourself in this prole and you are ready to start an exciting career, we invite you to apply.
pa sobrebibi of bay dilanti. Please send your application letter with resume, diplomas and/or certications and a copy of a valid driver’s
license to:
P’e motibo aki mi a uni
mi mes cu e Plataforma E
Forsa NOBO y asina por Deadline for applications is April 21, 2017.
aporta na trece un cam- For questions regarding this vacancy and/or the selection procedure, please contact HR at 524-2424. A
bio positivo den esaki. E reference check and an assessment will be part of the selection procedure.
cambio na unda ami por
ta den deporte. Mi a mira
con deporte añanan pasa
tabata un forsa grandi pa