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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 15 March 2017

            Good food, great shopping and live entertainment:

                               Experience Aruba’s Local Art at Aruba’s Greatest

                                             Mall Palm Beach Plaza Mall Tonight!

            ORANJESTAD  –Palm Beach  Swarovski,  Victoria  Secret  will  also  be  present  with  miss  the  several  specials  ers.
            Plaza  Mall  is  Aruba’s  larg-  to  name  a  few  you  know  her art. Besides that we will  available  throughout  the  Join  the  fun  at  the  largest
            est  &  greatest  shopping  that  at  Palm  Beach  Plaza  have  live  entertainment  mall,  where  the  more  you  shopping  mall  in  Aruba,
            mall offering you the best in  Mall you have to be for the  by  Aruba’s  own  musician  spend, the more you’ll save  right in the center of shop-
            shopping,  restaurants,  spa  best shopping experience.   Francis  Jacobs  whom  will  in  cash!  There  are  over  30  ping Palm Beach with daily
            and  a  cinema;  and  is  the  Tonight will be like no other  be playing his ample reper-  well  known  brands  and  Happy Hour from 5 to 7 pm
            only one on the island with  night  as  besides  shopping  toire live. All this will be hap-  stores at Palm Beach Plaza  on all Belgian beers, cock-
            a  bowling  alley.  Definitely  in  well-known  stores  you  pening  between  6:30  and  Mall.  Palm  Beach  Plaza  is  tails  &  wines  at  half  price
            fun  for  everyone.  At  Palm  can  also  see  and  expe-  9:30  pm  tonight.  Francis  is  open  daily  from  10  am  till  at  Taste  of  Belgium  and
            Beach Plaza Mall shopping  rience  Aruba’s  local  art  a  favorite  among  locals  10 pm, and on Sundays the  that is just one example. For
            goes hand in hand with en-   with well know local talents  for  his  charismatic  perfor-  mall comes alive from 5 pm  more information on all the
            tertainment  for  the  entire  whom  will  show  case  and  mances  and  ability  to  get  on. If you are staying in the  vendors,  visit  our  website
            family.                      sell their local art. All made  the  audience  engaged.  high rise area, it just a few  at  www.palmbeachplaza.
            With  known  brands  such  right here on Aruba by our  Surely  something  you  do  steps away; but if you have  com or check us on Face-
            as  Salvatore  Feragamo,  local people. Aruba’s God-      not want to miss             a car, there is free parking  book  Palm  Beach  Plaza
            Bally Boutique, Mont Blanc,  mother of art Trudy Lampe  In  addition,  be  sure  not  to  available  to  all  its  custom-  Mall.q
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