P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 4 June 2019
            NCAA recommends

            women's wrestling

            as 'emerging sport"

            By LUKE MEREDITH             ey.  Equestrian,  rugby  and
            AP Sports Writer             triathlon  are  all  currently
            The  NCAA  committee  on  competing  as  emerging
            women's  athletics  recom-   sports.
            mended  Monday  that  all  A  coalition  of  wrestling  or-
            three  divisions  add  wom-  ganizations  and  the  U.S.
            en's wrestling as an emerg-  Olympic  Committee  sub-
            ing sport, a key step toward  mitted  an  application  for
            making it a championship-    emerging  sport  status  in
            level sport.                 2017.  The  committee  said
            If  the  recommendation  is  it  applauded  the  contin-
            approved,  women's  wres-    ued  growth  of  women's
            tling  as  well  as  acrobatics  wrestling,  noting  the  sport
            and  tumbling  would  be  is  relatively  inexpensive  to
            added as emerging sports  sponsor and that doing so        In this May 3, 2019, file photo, South Africa's Caster Semenya crosses the line to win gold in the
            Aug. 1, 2020.                would  add  coaching  op-    women's 800-meter final during the Diamond League in Doha, Qatar.
            A sport must have at least  portunities for women.                                                                              Associated Press
            20  varsity  teams  and/or  "This is a great day for wres-
                                         executive  director  of  USA  IAAF ordered by court to suspend
            competitive club teams to  tling,"  said  Rich  Bender,
            be considered for the pro-
            gram, and at least 40 var-   Wrestling. "We are encour-
            sity teams for NCAA cham-    aged  by  today's  decision,   Semenya testosterone rules
            pionship consideration.      and  fully  expect  it  to  help
            The Wrestle Like a Girl orga-  accelerate  the  growth  of   By GERALD IMRAY           free."                       time world champion in the
            nization and USA Wrestling  women's wrestling."           AP Sports Writer             The supreme court appeal  800.  She  also  has  a  world
            said  there  are  23  NCAA  Increasing     opportunities   Caster  Semenya  won  an  is the second time the two-    championships      bronze
            schools with women's wres-   for  women  to  wrestle  has   interim  ruling  in  her  battle  time  Olympic  800-meter  medal in the 1,500 meters,
            tling teams, including Texas  been a major focus for the   against the IAAF when the  champion  has  challenged  which the IAAF also made
            A&M  and  Colorado  State.  sport  in  recent  years  after   Swiss  supreme  court  or-  the  IAAF  rules.  Semenya  a restricted race. Semenya
            There are 13 other schools  it was briefly dropped from   dered  athletics'  governing  lost  her  case  against  the  has  battled  track  authori-
            planning  to  add  the  sport  the  Olympic  program  in   body to suspend its testos-  IAAF at the Court of Arbitra-  ties  for  the  right  to  run  in
            either next year or in 2020-  2013. A lack of gender eq-  terone regulations on Mon-   tion for Sport on May 1 and  what  she  describes  as  her
            21. The National Collegiate  uity played a role in the de-  day, raising the prospect of  the  rules  came  into  effect  natural form for a decade,
            Acrobatics  and  Tumbling  cision  by  the  International   her competing at the world  on May 8.                   ever since she was subject-
            Association  said  29  NCAA  Olympic Committee.  Six of   championships      without  They  meant  that  Seme-      ed  to  gender  verification
            colleges  and  universities  the  18  weights  contested   having  to  take  hormone  nya  wasn't  allowed  to  run  tests by the IAAF at the age
            sponsor the sport.           at the last two Olympics, in   suppressing medication.    in  any  top-level  800-meter  of 18 when she won her first
            The  emerging  sports  pro-  London  and  Rio  de  Janei-  The  decision  temporarily  race  unless  she  medically  world title in 2009.
            gram,  which  offers  spon-  ro,  were  for  women,  and   lifts  the  contentious  rules,  reduced her elevated tes-  The  dispute  is  viewed  as
            sorship  options  and  helps  a  women's  gold  medal     at  least  until  the  IAAF  re-  tosterone   levels   before  one of the most controver-
            schools  meet  financial  aid  match will cap the compe-  sponds  with  arguments  to  Monday's decision.           sial  and  complex  to  face
            and  other  requirements,  tition in each of the last six   the  supreme  court,  known  Dorothee  Schramm,  the  sport.  The  IAAF  rules  ap-
            began  in  1994.  It  has  days of the tournament at      as  the  Swiss  Federal  Tribu-  Swiss-based  lawyer  lead-  ply to female athletes with
            helped several sports have  the 2020 Tokyo Games.         nal,  to  restore  them.  The  ing Semenya's appeal, said  medical  conditions  known
            reached      championship  Japan has won 11 of the 18     IAAF has until June 25 to do  the  supreme  court  "has  as  "differences  of  sex  de-
            status,  including  beach  Olympic gold medals given      that.                        granted  welcome  tempo-     velopment" (DSD) and spe-
            volleyball  and  ice  hock-  out in women's wrestling.q   Should the IAAF fail to over-  rary  protection  to  Caster  cifically those born with the
                                                                      turn  the  ruling,  the  regula-  Semenya."               typical  male  XY  chromo-
                                                                      tions will remain suspended  "This  is  an  important  case  some pattern. The athletes
                                                                      until Semenya's full appeal  that will have fundamental  also have testosterone lev-
                                                                      is heard by a panel of Swiss  implications for the human  els  higher  than  the  typical
                                                                      federal  judges.  That  could  rights  of  female  athletes,"  female  range,  which  the
                                                                      take up to a year or more,  Schramm said.                 IAAF argues gives them an
                                                                      meaning  the  28-year-old  The  ruling  has  implications  unfair  athletic  advantage
                                                                      South  African  might  be  for other athletes, too. Fran-  over  other  women  be-
                                                                      cleared to run unrestricted  cine  Niyonsaba  of  Burundi  cause  the  hormone  helps
                                                                      in her favored event in re-  and  Margaret  Wambui  of  build muscle and increases
                                                                      maining  Diamond  League  Kenya, both Olympic med-        oxygen levels in the blood.
                                                                      meetings and the worlds in  alists  in  the  800,  have  said  Prescribing  medical  treat-
                                                                      Doha, Qatar, in September  they  are  also  affected  by  ments  solely  for  sports  eli-
                                                                      and October.                 the rules.                   gibility  reasons  has  been
                                                                      "I  am  thankful  to  the  Swiss  The  regulations  apply  only  labelled as unethical by an
                                                                      judges  for  this  decision,"  to  some  races,  from  400  array  of  experts,  including
                                                                      Semenya said. "I hope that  meters to one mile. Seme-     the World Medical Associa-
                                                                      following  my  appeal  I  will  nya is the reigning Olympic  tion, which represents doc-
                                                                      once again be able to run  champion  and  a  three-       tors across the world.q
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