P. 28

                       Tuesday 4 June 2019
             Feds to investigate spike in gray whale deaths on West Coast

            By GENE JOHNSON                                                                                                     off followed strong chang-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    es  in  ocean  conditions  in
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  U.S.  scien-                                                                                      the  mid-1990s,  suggesting
            tists said Friday they will in-                                                                                     that warmer water patterns
            vestigate  why  an  unusual                                                                                         affected the availability of
            number of gray whales are                                                                                           prey, but scientists were of-
            washing up dead on West                                                                                             ten unable to perform nec-
            Coast beaches.                                                                                                      ropsies, Moore said.
            About  70  whales  have                                                                                             "It's sometimes very difficult
            been found dead so far this                                                                                         to  get  to  these  whales  in
            year on the coasts of Cali-                                                                                         a  timely  fashion,"  she  said.
            fornia,  Oregon,  Washing-                                                                                          "You  can't  always  get  the
            ton  and  Alaska,  the  most                                                                                        kind of samples you would
            since 2000. About five more                                                                                         need  for  diagnostic  rea-
            have  been  discovered  on                                                                                          sons."
            British  Columbia  beaches.                                                                                         Since  then,  researchers
            That's  a  very  small  frac-                                                                                       have built up an improved
            tion of the total number of                                                                                         network  of  volunteers  and
            whales  believed  to  have                                                                                          have better educated the
            died, because most simply                                                                                           public  to  help  report  and
            sink and others wash up in                                                                                          respond  to  whale  deaths,
            such  remote  areas  they're                                                                                        said  Deborah  Fauquier,
            not recorded.                 In this May 6, 2019 file photo, Duat Mai stands atop a dead whale at Ocean Beach in San Fran-  veterinary  medical  officer
            NOAA  Fisheries  on  Friday   cisco.                                                                                at  NOAA's  Office  of  Pro-
            declared  the  die-off  an                                                                         Associated Press   tected Resources. This time
            "unusual  mortality  event,"                                                                                        around,   scientists   have
            providing  additional  re-   est  since  surveys  began  in  live  in  sediment  on  the  that  feed  the  amphipods.  been able to perform nec-
            sources  to  respond  to  the  1967. That has raised ques-  ocean  floor  in  the  Arctic.  Surveys  show  the  amphi-  ropsies on 20 of the whales,
            deaths  and  triggering  the  tions  about  whether  their  For  many  years,  research-  pod  beds  moving  farther  she said.
            investigation.               population  has  reached  ers noted that fewer calves  north,  said  Sue  Moore,  a  John  Calambokidis,  a  re-
            "Many  of  the  whales  have  the  limit  of  what  the  envi-  tended  to  be  born  follow-  biological  oceanographer  search  biologist  with  the
            been  skinny  and  malnour-  ronment  can  sustain.  An-  ing  years  when  the  ice  in  at  the  University  of  Wash-  Cascadia  Research  Col-
            ished,  and  that  suggests  other  theory  suggests  that  the  Chukchi  Sea,  north  of  ington.                  lective,  noted  that  as  the
            they may not have gotten  the  loss  of  Arctic  sea  ice  the  Bering  Strait  between  "The  sea  ice  has  been  whales    search    farther
            enough to eat during their  due to global warming is a  Alaska and Russia, was late  changing very quickly over  afield for food, they've en-
            last  feeding  season  in  the  culprit.                  to melt. The whales had less  the last decade or so," she  tered  areas  where  they're
            Arctic,"  agency  spokes-    The  whales  spend  their  time to feast because they  said. "The whales may have  not normally seen so often,
            man  Michael  Milstein  told  summers  feeding  in  the  couldn't  access  the  feed-  to shift to other prey, such  including  San  Francisco
            reporters  during  a  confer-  Arctic  before  migrating  ing area, and thus had less  as  krill  or  other  things  they  Bay and Puget Sound. That
            ence call.                   10,000 miles (16,000 km) to  blubber to sustain them on  eat."                         puts  them  at  higher  risk  of
            The  eastern  North  Pacific  winter  off  Mexico.  Though  their next migration.      In an average year, about  being struck by ships or en-
            gray whales were removed  they  eat  all  along  their  Last year, though, the Artic  35  whales  wash  up  in  the  tangled in fishing gear.
            from the endangered spe-     route,  they  are  typically  was  unusually  warm.  The  U.S.                         Four of the 10 gray whales
            cies list in 1994, after recov-  thinning  by  the  time  they  whales  weren't  blocked  In 2000, more than 100 did,  found dead near San Fran-
            ering from the whaling era.  return north along the West  from  the  feeding  area,  prompting  NOAA  to  de-       cisco  this  year  were  struck
            The  population  has  grown  Coast each spring.           and  yet  are  still  struggling  clare an "unusual mortality  by ships, and a number of
            significantly  in  the  last  de-  They  eat  many  things,  but  this year. That has scientists  event" then as well. The re-  shipping  companies  have
            cade  and  is  now  estimat-  especially  amphipods,  tiny  wondering if the loss of sea  sulting  investigation  failed  slowed  their  vessels  in  the
            ed  at  27,000  —  the  high-  shrimp-like  creatures  that  ice has led to a loss of algae  to identify a cause. The die-  area to avoid collisions.q

                                                                      Texas coastal flooding strands about

                                                                      100 endangered turtles

                                                                      CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP)  water  pushed  up  against  may  have  about  a  half-
            In this May 24, 2019 photo, provided by the Texas State Aquar-  —  High  tides  and  flooding  the dunes on Padre Island  dozen  young  turtles  wash
            ium, a sea turtle is seen during rescue and rehabilitation at the   associated with May storms  National  Seashore,  Gilbert  ashore  each  month.  More
            Texas State Aquarium Wildlife Rescue Center in Corpus Christi,   that buffeted parts of Texas  said.                than  100  green  sea  turtles
                                                     Associated Press  caused  the  stranding  of  Wildlife   officials   helped  were  rescued  during  two
                                                                      about  100  young  sea  tur-  gather  and  transport  the  weeks starting in mid-May,
                                                                      tles  along  part  of  the  Gulf  green  sea  turtles,  with  the  Gilbert said.
                                                                      coast, experts say.          largest about the size of a  About 80 of the rested tur-
                                                                      Jesse  Gilbert,  Chief  Oper-  dinner plate, to the aquari-  tles were released into the
                                                                      ating  Officer  of  the  Texas  um, he said.              Gulf  of  Mexico  last  Thurs-
                                                                      State  Aquarium  in  Corpus  "They literally just looked ex-  day. Most of the rest should
                                                                      Christi,  said  Monday  that  hausted. They were a little  be  returned  to  the  water
                                                                      the  juvenile  green  sea  tur-  bit  dehydrated,"  said  Gil-  this week, he said.
                                                                      tles  "just  couldn't  beat  the  bert, describing the endan-  The  National  Weather  Ser-
                                                                      waves"  and  were  tossed  gered turtles.                 vice on May 12 began issu-
                                                                      around  along  the  shore.  During     normal     spring  ing about 11 days of coast-
                                                                      The  turtles  were  caught  in  weather the wildlife center  al flooding advisories. q
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