P. 32

                       Tuesday 4 June 2019
            Wattle fences: Weaving branches takes time, yields rewards

            By CAIN BURDEAU                                                                                                     ingly robust — comes from
            Associated Press                                                                                                    weaving  twigs  in  opposite
            CONTRADA  PETRARO,  Sic-                                                                                            directions around the posts.
            ily  (AP)  —  They  come  in                                                                                        So, if you start one twig on
            the  middle  of  the  night                                                                                         the inside of a post, it then
            and are gone by morning.                                                                                            gets  woven  around  the
            But without fail, they leave                                                                                        outside  of  the  next  post,
            their calling cards: Pronged                                                                                        the inside of the next one,
            footprints and gashes in the                                                                                        and  so  on.  The  next  twig
            ground where they've dug                                                                                            fed into the fence goes the
            with natural abandon.                                                                                               opposite  direction:  outside
            This  nocturnal  troublemak-                                                                                        of post, inside, outside.
            er in mountainous northern                                                                                          It was quiet work. I cut and
            Sicily  is  the  "cinghiale,"  the                                                                                  stripped  branches  pruned
            wild  pig,  a  bane  to  those                                                                                      from  olive  and  ash  trees,
            who tend a garden.                                                                                                  and  listened  to  the  water
            When  I  came  to  live  with                                                                                       in a river running far down
            my wife and two boys on a                                                                                           along  the  valley  bottom.
            small abandoned farm that                                                                                           The  bells  of  sheep  and
            we bought here in the Ma-                                                                                           cows  in  far-off  pastures
            donie Mountains, the locals                                                                                         twinkled in the air; the wild
            quickly instilled a fear of the                                                                                     shouts  of  herders  were  in-
            cinghiale in me. According   This March 26, 2018 photo shows Cain Burdeau cutting to length a branch to make a post for a   comprehensible   riddles
            to many people, these ani-   garden wattle fence in Contrada Petraro in the mountains of northern Sicily.           that  kept  me  company.
            mals  have  made  garden-                                                                          Associated Press  Sometimes, I paused in my
            ing nearly impossible.                                                                                              slow, steady work to catch
            The  wild  pigs  disappeared  chokes.                     Many  people  string  up  fence?                          sight  of  a  screeching  bird
            from Sicily around the end  I  began  to  think  harder  electric fences around gar-   I  had  a  vague  notion,  but  rushing through the trees.
            of  the  19th  century,  but  about  fences  that  would  dens.  But  there  are  prob-  needed  to  look  it  up  in  a  I  started  my  first  fence  in
            their numbers have explod-   keep out the wild pigs.      lems: Besides costing a fair  dictionary. It was a eureka  early March, and six weeks
            ed since they were reintro-  Our farm, like much of the  amount, they can malfunc-     moment: A wattle fence is  later I stood back and ad-
            duced more than 20 years  countryside       hereabouts,  tion, and pose the obvious  made  of  sticks  driven  into  mired  my  handiwork.  Defi-
            ago  and  crossbred  with  is  patchily  ringed  by  wire  problem  of  causing  nasty  the ground and interwoven  nitely, it had been a lot of
            domesticated  pig  species,  fences    threaded     with  electric shocks.             with twigs and branches.     work. But I was satisfied.
            authorities say.             strands  of  barbed  wire.  Sturdy wire fences with ce-   Then I did the next obvious  Aesthetically,  it  was  pleas-
            Plant  a  vineyard?  Don't  These  fences  weren't  de-   ment  posts  are  common.  thing:  an  internet  search.  ing  in  its  inexactness,  ram-
            bother,  locals  told  me.  signed  to  keep  wild  pigs  But I found them unattract-  Sure enough, a few people  bling and irregular lines, its
            They'll eat all your grapes.  out  but  to  keep  flocks  of  ive,  expensive  and  boring  out in the world were wat-  woodiness.
            Put up a fence and they'll  sheep in. Held up by with-    to look at with their unifor-  tling,  and  happy  to  show  I was happy to have used
            find  a  way  in.  These  pigs  ered  sticks  and  even  sec-  mity in shape and purpose.  how  it  is  done  on  home-  twigs  and  branches  that
            can  jump  3  feet  off  the  tions of plumbing pipe, they  Besides, I was told that pigs  made videos.             otherwise   would    have
            ground, I learned.           were  old  and  falling  over.  will get under them eventu-  A wattle fence is simple. It's  been burned, either in the
            One  neighbor  told  me  he  They  were  useless,  and  a  ally.                       made  by  pounding  posts  wood stove or as bonfires.
            was  removing  his  vine-    nuisance.  One  section  cut  As   spring   approached  into  the  ground  —  say  12  The wattle fence, I learned,
            yard  due  to  the  pigs  and  across our land and had to  —  and  with  it  an  urge  to  inches  deep  —  and  then  was  an  ancient  technique
            their  bottomless  appetites.  be removed both for safe-  sow  seeds  and  plant  veg-  weaving twigs and branch-   in use until the 1900s. Wattle
            "They're  terrible,"  he  said  ty  and  ease  of  passage.  I  etables  —  we  still  had  no  es in and out of the posts.  panels are still intact inside
            with regret.                 didn't want my boys to get  fence.                        At  the  very  least,  a  twig  many  British  homes  built
            But  I  had  visions  of  turning  caught on the barbed wire  And  on  several  crisp  win-  needs to be woven around  centuries   ago.   Archae-
            sections of our three acres  while  they  were  running  ter  mornings,  I  found  the  three posts so that it stays in  ologists  have  found  wattle
            into garden spots overflow-  and playing.                 telltale  signs  of  wild  pigs:  place.                  fence  remains  dating  to
            ing with carrots, tomatoes,  With wire cutters in hand, I  big  holes  dug  around  ol-  The  fence's  robustness  —  the  ninth  century  A.D.  in
            cucumbers,     herbs,   arti-  removed these obstacles.   ive  trees  and  along  mud-  and it does become surpris-  Britain.q
                                                                      dy  trenches  where  rains
                                                                      drained off our hillsides.
                                                                      The  power  of  their  snouts
                                                                      was  impressive.  The  pigs
                                                                      root  in  search  of  tubers
                                                                      and  other  buried  delights,
                                                                      and  can  make  it  look  like
                                                                      a mechanized tiller guided
                                                                      by  a  phantom  got  loose
                                                                      As  it  happened,  one  eve-
                                                                      ning as I read Leo Tolstoy's
                                                                      masterpiece  "Anna  Kar-
                                                                      enina,"  I  paused  halfway
                                                                      through one of his descrip-
            This May 4, 2018 photo shows a wattle fence made to protect a   tions of Russian country life.   This March 26, 2018 photo shows Cain Burdeau hammering into
            garden on a property in Contrada Petraro in the mountains of   He depicted a countryside   the ground a post for a garden wattle fence he's making in Con-
            northern Sicily.                                          strung with wattle fences.   trada Petraro in the mountains of northern Sicily.
                                                     Associated Press  What  exactly  IS  a  wattle                                         Associated Press
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